Set during World War II, this poignant, briskly paced historical novel relays the events of one extraordinary summer from three engaging points of view. On the morning of the dedication of the new children’s library in Belle Beach, Long Island, eleven-year-old Julie Sweet and her six-year-old sister, Martha, find a baby in a basket on the library steps. At the same time, twelve-year-old Bruno Ben-Eli is on his way to the train station to catch the 9:15 train into New York City. He is on an important errand for his brother, who is a soldier overseas in World War II. But when Bruno spies Julie, the same Julie who hasn’t spoken to him for sixteen days, heading away from the library with a baby in her arms, he has to follow her. Holy everything, he thinks. Julie Sweet is a kidnapper. Of course, the truth is much more complicated than the children know in this heartwarming and beautifully textured family story by award-winning author Amy Hest. Told in three distinct voices, each with a different take on events, the novel captures the moments and emotions of a life-changing summer – a summer in which a baby gives a family hope and brings a community together.
Amy Hest is the author of many beloved picture books, including Charley’s First Night and When Charley Met Grampa, both illustrated by Helen Oxenbury; Little Chick and three books about Sam and Mrs. Bear, all illustrated by Anita Jeram; and Are You Sure, Mother Bear?, illustrated by Lauren Tobia. Amy Hest lives in New York City.
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