Roar, ribbit, squeak, snore! Children will love imitating the noises made by creatures in the wild, from lions to dolphins to frogs and more. Illustrated with charming photographs, these sturdy pages showcase wild animals and the sounds they make with supersimple facts and lively, age-appropriate language to keep babies and toddlers–and their grown-ups–fascinated by every colorful page. Designed to be the stepping-stone to the best-selling National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book series, the Little Kids First Board Book series takes similar subjects and distills them down to the simplest nonfiction concepts for the youngest audience. Not only will readers learn the sounds wild animals make, they can also find recurring shapes and patterns in the art, while adults can keep their eyes open for occasional funny commentary from the animals. Sidebar text offers additional learning for older siblings or those ready for more complex information. With their square shape, bright and playful design, awesome photography, clear text, and cues to encourage interactive learning, the Little Kids First Board Books mirror the beloved First Big Books while taking a fresh new approach to excite a baby’s sense of wonder and make learning about nature and science fun.
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