Author & Illustrator

Clement Hurd


Clement Hurd (1908-1988) is best known for illustrating Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny, the classic picture books by Margaret Wise Brown. He studied painting in Paris with Fernand Léger and others in the early 1930s. After his return to the United States in 1935, he began to work in children’s books. He illustrated more than one hundred books, many of them with his wife, Edith Thacher Hurd, including the Johnny Lion books, The Day the Sun Danced, and The Merry Chase. A native of New York City, he lived most of his life in Vermont and California.Clement Hurd (1908-1988) se graduó de Yale University. Estudió pintura en París en los años 1930 con Fernand Léger, entre otros. Allí fue donde desarrolló su estilo característico, compuesto de colores de fuerte contraste. Hurd estuvo casado con la escritora Edith Thacher Hurd, con quien también creó muchos libros que se convirtieron en favoritos de los niños.

Goodnight Moon
The Runaway Bunny
My World
Buenas noches, Luna
Johnny Lion's Book
Goodnight Moon
Goodnight Moon
The Runaway Bunny
My World
Buenas noches, Luna
Johnny Lion's Book

Books by Clement Hurd

    board • 32 Pages
    Goodnight Moon
    Clement Hurd, Margaret Wise Brown
    board • 36 Pages
    My World
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
    board • 34 Pages
    Buenas noches, Luna
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
    board • 34 Pages
    Goodnight Moon
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
    picture • 48 Pages
    The Runaway Bunny
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
    picture • 64 Pages
    Johnny Lion's Book
    Clement Hurd, Edith Thacher Hurd

Book Stats


All Clement Hurd Books

Board book
picture • 48 Pages
The Runaway Bunny
board • 36 Pages
My World
Board Book
board • 34 Pages
Buenas noches, Luna
Board Book
picture • 64 Pages
Johnny Lion's Book
board • 32 Pages
Goodnight Moon
Board book


Margaret Wise Brown
Edith Thacher Hurd


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