
Deborah Hopkinson


Deborah Hopkinson is the award-winning author of numerous critically acclaimed picture books, middle grade fiction, and nonfiction. She lives in Oregon with her family and menagerie of pets.

Trim Saves the Day
Trim Sets Sail
The Plot to Kill a Queen
Small Places Close to Home
Race Against Death
The Deadliest Fires Then and Now
The Deadliest Hurricanes Then and Now
The Story of a Story
My Little Golden Book About Betty White
My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton

Most Popular Deborah Hopkinson Books

    board • 24 Pages
    My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton
    Deborah Hopkinson, Monique Dong
    board • 24 Pages
    My Little Golden Book About Betty White
    Graphic Nov.
    Deborah Hopkinson, Margeaux Lucas
    chapter • 112 Pages
    What Is the Women's Rights Movement?
    Deborah Hopkinson, Who HQ, Laurie A. Conley
    picture • 40 Pages
    Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
    Deborah Hopkinson
    picture • 48 Pages
    Follow the Moon Home
    Philippe Cousteau, Deborah Hopkinson, Meilo So
    chapter • 112 Pages
    Who Was Charles Darwin?
    Deborah Hopkinson, Who HQ, Nancy Harrison

Book Stats


All Deborah Hopkinson Books

2024Trim Saves the DayDeborah HopkinsonKristy Caldwell48
2023Trim Sets SailDeborah HopkinsonKristy Caldwell48
2023The Plot to Kill a QueenDeborah Hopkinson272
2023Small Places Close to HomeDeborah HopkinsonKate Gardiner40
2023Race Against DeathDeborah Hopkinson320
2022The Deadliest Fires Then and NowDeborah Hopkinson224
2022The Deadliest Hurricanes Then and NowDeborah Hopkinson208
2021The Story of a StoryDeborah HopkinsonHadley Hooper40
2021My Little Golden Book About Betty WhiteDeborah HopkinsonMargeaux Lucas24
2021My Little Golden Book About Dolly PartonDeborah HopkinsonMonique Dong24
2021We Must Not ForgetDeborah Hopkinson384
2020Butterflies Belong HereDeborah HopkinsonMeilo So68
2020Thanks to Frances PerkinsDeborah HopkinsonKristy Caldwell36
2020We Had to Be BraveDeborah Hopkinson368
2020Mindful DayDeborah HopkinsonShirley Ng-Benitez32
2019Sweet Land of LibertyDeborah HopkinsonLeonard Jenkins32
2019Where Is the Kremlin?Deborah Hopkinson, Who HQDede Putra112
2019How I Became a SpyDeborah Hopkinson272
2018What Is the Women's Rights Movement?Deborah Hopkinson, Who HQLaurie A. Conley112
2018Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane AustenDeborah HopkinsonQin Leng40
2017Independence CakeDeborah HopkinsonGiselle Potter44
2017A Letter to My TeacherDeborah HopkinsonNancy Carpenter40
2016Abe Lincoln Crosses a CreekDeborah HopkinsonJohn Hendrix40
2016Dive!Deborah Hopkinson384
2016Steamboat SchoolDeborah HopkinsonRon Husband40
2016Follow the Moon HomePhilippe Cousteau, Deborah HopkinsonMeilo So48
2016Beatrix Potter & the Unfortunate Tale of a Borrowed Guinea PigDeborah HopkinsonCharlotte Voake44
2015The Great TroubleDeborah Hopkinson272
2012TitanicDeborah Hopkinson289
2012A Boy Called DickensDeborah HopkinsonJohn Hendrix40
2008Apples to OregonDeborah Hopkinson40
2007From Slave to SoldierDeborah HopkinsonBrian Floca48
2006Girl WonderDeborah HopkinsonTerry Widener40
2005Who Was Charles Darwin?Deborah Hopkinson, Who HQNancy Harrison112
2005Saving Strawberry FarmDeborah HopkinsonRachel Isadora32
2005John Adams Speaks for FreedomDeborah HopkinsonCraig Orback32
2005Under the Quilt of NightDeborah HopkinsonJames E. Ransome40
2004A Packet of SeedsDeborah HopkinsonBethanne Andersen32
2002A Band of AngelsDeborah Hopkinson40
1999Maria's CometDeborah HopkinsonDeborah Lanino32
1995Sweet Clara and the Freedom QuiltDeborah Hopkinson40


Monique Dong
Margeaux Lucas
Who HQ
Laurie A. Conley
Philippe Cousteau
Meilo So
Nancy Harrison
Qin Leng
Kristy Caldwell
James E. Ransome
Craig Orback
Nancy Carpenter
Ron Husband
John Hendrix
Terry Widener
Dede Putra
Brian Floca
Kate Gardiner
Hadley Hooper
Shirley Ng-Benitez
Giselle Potter
Rachel Isadora
Charlotte Voake
Bethanne Andersen
Leonard Jenkins
Deborah Lanino


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