
Franklin W. Dixon


Franklin W. Dixon is the author of the ever-popular Hardy Boys books.

Undercover Bookworms
The Smuggler's Legacy
The Garden Plot
As the Falcon Flies
The Bad Luck Skate
Mystery on the Mayhem Express
Robot Rescue!
Trouble Island

Most Popular Franklin W. Dixon Books

    chapter ā€¢ 180 Pages
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    chapter ā€¢ 96 Pages
    The Disappearing Dog
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    chapter ā€¢ 177 Pages
    The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge
    Franklin W. Dixon, R. H. Tandy
    chapter ā€¢ 96 Pages
    The Missing Playbook
    Franklin W. Dixon, Matt David
    chapter ā€¢ 96 Pages
    The Bicycle Thief
    Franklin W. Dixon, Scott Burroughs
    chapter ā€¢ 175 Pages
    The Great Airport Mystery
    #9 in Series
    Franklin W. Dixon

Book Stats


All Franklin W. Dixon Books

2023Undercover Bookworms112
2023The Smuggler's Legacy176
2022The Garden PlotSanty GutiƩrrez112
2022As the Falcon Flies144
2021The Bad Luck SkateSanty GutiƩrrez96
2021Mystery on the Mayhem Express176
2021Robot Rescue!Santy GutiƩrrez96
2021Trouble Island176
2020Sea Life SecretsSanty GutiƩrrez96
2020A Treacherous Tide160
2020Bug-NappedSanty GutiƩrrez96
2020Return to Black Bear Mountain176
2019Dungeons & Detectives208
2019The Great Pumpkin SmashSanty GutiƩrrez96
2019Who Let the Frogs Out?Santy GutiƩrrez96
2019The Disappearance160
2018The Time Warp WonderSanty GutiƩrrez96
2018The Gray Hunter's Revenge138
2018The Pirate GhostSanty GutiƩrrez96
2018Stolen Identity138
2017A Skateboard Cat-astropheMatt David96
2017Hunting for Hidden Gold192
2017The Secret of the Caves192
2017The Shore Road Mystery192
2017The Mystery of Cabin Island192
2017A Con Artist in Paris122
2017Scavenger Hunt HeistMatt David96
2017Attack of the Bayport Beast106
2016Talent Show TricksMatt David96
2016Bound for Danger144
2016Water-Ski WipeoutMatt David96
2016The Madman of Black Bear Mountain144
2016The Secret of the Old Mill192
2016The House on the Cliff192
2016The Missing Chums192
2016The Tower Treasure180
2016The Video Game BanditMatt David96
2016The Missing PlaybookMatt David96
2016Showdown at Widow Creek128
2015Tunnel of Secrets144
2015Medieval UpheavalScott Burroughs96
2015The Curse of the Ancient Emerald128
2015The Great EscapeScott Burroughs112
2015Deception on the Set128
2014Camping ChaosScott Burroughs96
2014Shadows at Predator Reef128
2014Ship of SecretsScott Burroughs112
2014The Battle of Bayport146
2014Fossil FrenzyScott Burroughs96
2014Peril at Granite Peak147
2013Balloon Blow-UpScott Burroughs112
2013Into Thin Air109
2013Lights, Camera . . . Zombies!Scott Burroughs96
2013The Vanishing Game134
2013Secret of the Red Arrow152
2013Mystery of the Phantom Heist137
2012A Rockin' MysteryScott Burroughs96
2012The Great Coaster CaperScott Burroughs112
2012Sports SabotageScott Burroughs112
2012Movie Mayhem176
2011The Disappearing DogScott Burroughs96
2011Movie Mission176
2011The Bicycle ThiefScott Burroughs96
2011Forever Lost160
2011Movie Menace176
2011Lost Brother160
2011A Monster of a MysteryScott Burroughs96
2010Hopping MadScott Burroughs96
2010Mystery MapScott Burroughs96
2010The Children of the Lost192
2010The Missing MittScott Burroughs112
2010Trouble at the ArcadeScott Burroughs96
2010Killer Connections0
2010Private Killer151
2009Killer Mission192
2009Galaxy X0
2009Double Down160
2009Double Trouble160
2009Murder House160
2009House Arrest160
2008Deprivation House160
2008Foul Play184
2008Comic Con Artist192
2008Feeding Frenzy160
2007Murder at the Mall176
2007Bayport Buccaneers176
2007Death and Diamonds176
2006The Mummy's Curse176
2006Trouble in Paradise176
2006Hurricane Joe160
2006Blown Away160
2006Martial Law160
2006Top Ten Ways to Die176
2005Operation: Survival160
2005Rocky Road160
2005Thrill Ride160
2005Running on Fumes160
2005Extreme Danger176
2005Boardwalk Bust176
2005Mystery of the Samurai Sword192
2005The Stone Idol192
2005The Pentagon Spy192
2005Night of the Werewolf192
2005The Apeman's Secret192
2005The Vanishing Thieves179
2005The Mummy Case192
2005Mystery of Smugglers Cove192
2005Motocross Madness160
2005One False Step326
2004Farming Fear160
2004No Way Out160
2004Hidden Mountain160
2004The Dangerous Transmission160
2004Warehouse Rumble160
2003The Secret of the Soldier's Gold160
2003Double Jeopardy160
2003Typhoon Island160
2003Passport to Danger160
2003The Mystery of the Black RhinoJeff Walker160
2003The Case of the Psychic's Vision166
2002In Plane Sight160
2002The Test Case169
2002Speed Times Five160
2002Trouble in Warp Space160
2001Ghost of a Chance160
2001The Castle Conundrum160
2001Trouble Times Two160
2000Skin & Bones160
2000The End of the Trail0
2000Training for Trouble160
2000The Bike Race Ruckus80
2000A Game Called Chaos160
1999Slip, Slide, and Slap ShotMarcy Ramsey80
1999The London Deception149
1999All Eyes on First Prize80
1999The Lure of the Italian Treasure160
1999Pirates Ahoy!80
1999A Will to Survive148
1999The Monster in the Lake70
1999The Walking Snowman80
1999The Caribbean Cruise Caper160
1998Danger in the Extreme160
1998The Abracadabra Case80
1998The Crisscross Crime160
1998Who Took the Book?80
1998The Chase for the Mystery Twister151
1998The Dinosaur Disaster80
1998The Ice-Cold Case160
1998Jump Shot Detectives80
1997Trial and Terror160
1997First Day, Worst Day80
1997The Mark of the Blue Tattoo160
1997The Karate Clue80
1997The Gross Ghost Mystery80
1997Terror at High Tide160
1997The Secret of Skeleton Reef160
1996The Desert Thieves151
1996Slam Dunk Sabotage160
1996The Search for the Snow Leopard160
1996The Cold Cash Caper160
1995The Hypersonic Secret160
1995Cross-Country Crime160
1995Crime in the Kennel160
1995Crusade of the Flaming Sword160
1995Sidetracked to Danger160
1994The Treasure at Dolphin Bay160
1994Day of the Dinosaur160
1994Reel Thrills153
1994Racing to Disaster160
1994Mystery with a Dangerous Beat160
1993The Robot's Revenge160
1993Carnival of Crime148
1993The Mystery in the Old Mine149
1993The Case of the Cosmic Kidnapping160
1993Tricks of the Trade154
1993Rock 'n' Roll Renegades160
1993Spark of Suspicion160
1993The Smoke Screen Mystery151
1993The Secret of Sigma Seven149
1993Danger on the Diamond160
1993Danger on the Air151
1993Sabotage at Sports City148
1993The Mystery of the Silver Star160
1993Cast of Criminals152
1993Trouble at Coyote Canyon149
1993Danger in the Fourth Dimension160
1992The Case of the Counterfeit Criminals160
1992Radical Moves152
1992Demolition Mission160
1991Fear on Wheels153
1991Panic on Gull Island148
1991Attack of the Video Villains160
1990Terminal Shock160
1990The Money Hunt150
1989Dungeon of Doom151
1989The Hardy Boys Ghost Stories144
1988The Serpent's Tooth Mystery160
1988Shield of Fear160
1988The Sky Blue Frame154
1987The Tower Treasure180
1985The Swamp Monster190
1984The Blackwing Puzzle205
1983The Crimson Flame190
1982Tic-Tac-TerrorLeslie H. Morrill201
1982The Billion Dollar RansomLeslie H. Morrill189
1982The Voodoo PlotLeslie H. Morrill189
1982Track of the Zombie185
1981The Outlaw's SilverLeslie H. Morrill190
1981The Infinity Clue190
1978The Sting of the Scorpion180
1978The Firebird Rocket192
1977The Jungle Pyramid180
1975The Witchmaster's Key192
1975The Mysterious Caravan182
1974The Clue of the Hissing Serpent192
1973The Shattered Helmet180
1972The Masked Monkey178
1971Danger on Vampire Trail192
1970The Bombay Boomerang180
1969The Arctic Patrol Mystery176
1967Mystery of the Whale TattooR. H. Tandy192
1967The Secret Agent on Flight 101176
1965The Mystery of the Spiral BridgeR. H. Tandy177
1964The Haunted FortR. H. Tandy176
1964The Mystery of the Aztec WarriorR. H. Tandy178
1962The Viking Symbol Mystery175
1962The Clue of the Screeching Owl177
1961Mystery of the Desert Giant182
1960The Mystery of the Chinese Junk192
1960The Secret of Pirates' Hill178
1960The Sinister Signpost175
1960The Hidden Harbor Mystery192
1960The Secret Warning192
1960The Mark on the Door192
1960A Figure in Hiding192
1960The Disappearing Floor192
1960What Happened at Midnight192
1960The Great Airport Mystery175
1960The Twisted Claw177
1960The Flickering Torch Mystery212
1960The Secret of the Lost Tunnel192
1960The Sign of the Crooked Arrow192
1960Mystery of the Flying Express177
1960The Wailing Siren Mystery177
1960The Secret of Wildcat Swamp178
1960While the Clock Ticked174
1959Mystery at Devil's Paw180
1958The Ghost at Skeleton Rock192
1956The Clue in the Embers177
1955The Hooded Hawk Mystery180
1954The Yellow Feather Mystery181
1953The Crisscross Shadow177
1948The Secret of Skull Mountain158
1947The Phantom Freighter192
1946The Secret Panel178
1945The Short-Wave Mystery192
1944The Melted Coins180
1942The Clue of the Broken Blade192
1933Footprints Under the Window177


Scott Burroughs
R. H. Tandy
Matt David
Santy GutiƩrrez
Marcy Ramsey
Leslie H. Morrill
Jeff Walker


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