Verified Creative

Hatem Aly


Hatem Aly is an Egyptian-born illustrator whose work has been featured in multiple publications worldwide. He currently lives in beautiful New Brunswick, Canada, with his wife, son, and more pets than people. When he is not dipping cookies in a cup of tea or staring at blank pieces of paper, he is usually drawing books. One of the books he illustrated is The Inquisitor’s Tale by Adam Gidwitz, which won a Newbery Honor and other awards despite Hatem’s drawings of a farting dragon, a two-headed cat, and stinky cheese.

The Boldest White
Yasmin the Vet
Yasmin the Director
Yasmin the Camper
Yasmin the Astronaut
Ethan and the Strays
Egyptian Lullaby
The Kindest Red
Yasmin the Ice Skater

Most Popular Hatem Aly Books

    picture • 40 Pages
    The Proudest Blue
    #1 in Series
    Hatem Aly, Ibtihaj Muhammad, S. K. Ali
    picture • 40 Pages
    The Kindest Red
    #2 in Series
    S. K. Ali, Ibtihaj Muhammad, Hatem Aly
    picture • 40 Pages
    The Boldest White
    #3 in Series
    Ibtihaj Muhammad, Hatem Aly
    picture • 96 Pages
    Meet Yasmin!
    Saadia Faruqi, Hatem Aly
    picture • 40 Pages
    In My Mosque
    Hatem Aly, M. O. Yuksel
    chapter • 400 Pages
    The Inquisitor's Tale
    Adam Gidwitz, Hatem Aly

Book Stats


All Hatem Aly Books

2024The Boldest WhiteIbtihaj MuhammadHatem Aly40
2024Yasmin the VetSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly25
2024Yasmin the DirectorSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly24
2024Yasmin the CamperSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly25
2024Yasmin the AstronautSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly25
2023Ethan and the StraysJohn SullivanHatem Aly32
2023Egyptian LullabyZeena M. PliskaHatem Aly40
2023The Kindest RedS. K. Ali, Ibtihaj MuhammadHatem Aly40
2022Yasmin the Ice SkaterSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2022Yasmin the FarmerSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2022Yasmin the DetectiveSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2022Yasmin the DoctorSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2021The Secret of the HimalayasAdam Gidwitz, Hena KhanHatem Aly208
2021In My MosqueM. O. YukselHatem Aly40
2021Yasmin the SingerSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2021Yasmin the RecyclerSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2020Raj's RuleLana ButtonHatem Aly32
2020The Madre de Aguas of CubaAdam Gidwitz, Emma OtheguyHatem Aly224
2020Yasmin the GardenerSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2020Yasmin the WriterSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2020Yasmin the Soccer StarSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2020Yasmin the FriendSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2019The Proudest BlueIbtihaj MuhammadHatem AlyS. K. Ali40
2019The Chupacabras of the Río GrandeAdam Gidwitz, David BowlesHatem Aly208
2019Digging Up DangerJacqueline West, Story PiratesHatem Aly288
2019Yasmin the ZookeeperSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2019Yasmin the ChefSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2019Yasmin the TeacherSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2019Yasmin the SuperheroSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly32
2018Sasquatch and the MuckleshootAdam Gidwitz, Joseph BruchacHatem Aly192
2018How to Feed Your ParentsRyan MillerHatem Aly40
2018Yasmin the FashionistaSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly25
2018Yasmin the PainterSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly24
2018Yasmin the ExplorerSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly25
2018Yasmin the BuilderSaadia FaruqiHatem Aly24
2018Meet Yasmin!Saadia FaruqiHatem Aly96
2018The Basque DragonAdam Gidwitz, Jesse CaseyHatem Aly176
2018Not So Normal NorbertJames PattersonHatem Aly368
2018The Creature of the PinesAdam GidwitzHatem Aly176
2018Stuck in the Stone AgeGeoff Rodkey, Story PiratesHatem Aly272
2018The Inquisitor's TaleAdam GidwitzHatem Aly400


Ibtihaj Muhammad
S. K. Ali
S. K. Ali
Saadia Faruqi
M. O. Yuksel
Adam Gidwitz
Lana Button
Zeena M. Pliska
Emma Otheguy
Ryan Miller
Hena Khan
James Patterson
David Bowles
John Sullivan
Jesse Casey
Joseph Bruchac
Geoff Rodkey
Story Pirates
Jacqueline West


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