
James Buckley Jr.


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Athletes Who Changed the Game
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    chapter • 56 Pages
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    Who HQ, Gregory Copeland, James Buckley Jr.
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    Who HQ, Ted Hammond, James Buckley Jr.
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    Who HQ, Gregory Copeland, James Buckley Jr.
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    Who HQ, John O'Brien, James Buckley Jr.
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    James Buckley Jr., Who HQ, Gregory Copeland

Book Stats


All James Buckley Jr. Books

2024Athletes Who Changed the GameJames Buckley Jr., Ellen LabrecqueSteffi Walthall128
2024Who Is Lionel Messi?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Manuel Gutierrez56
2024¿Quién fue Pelé?James Buckley Jr., Who HQAndrew Thomson112
2024Who Is Katie Ledecky?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Laurie A. Conley56
2024Who Is Aaron Judge?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Andrew Thomson56
2023Who Was Jim Thorpe?James Buckley Jr., Who HQStephen Marchesi112
2022Scholastic Year in Sports 2023James Buckley Jr.192
2022Bring Them Back Alive!James Buckley Jr.24
2022Sandstorm Terror!James Buckley Jr.24
2022Year in Sports 2022James Buckley Jr.192
2021Who Were the Navajo Code Talkers?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Gregory Copeland112
2021Frida KahloJames Buckley Jr.Cassie Anderson96
2021Who Is Tom Brady?James Buckley Jr., Who HQGregory Copeland56
2021Neil ArmstrongJames Buckley Jr.Andy Duggan96
2021Canine HeroJames Buckley Jr.24
2021Helen KellerJames Buckley Jr.Caitlin Like96
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2020Muhammad AliJames Buckley Jr.Andy Duggan96
2020Who Was Benedict Arnold?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Gregory Copeland112
2020Babe Ruth: Baseball's All-Time Best!James Buckley Jr.Kelly Tindall96
2020It's a Numbers Game! BasketballJames Buckley Jr.128
2019Scholastic Year in Sports 2020James Buckley Jr.192
2019Who Was Sam Walton?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Ted Hammond112
2018Scholastic Year in Sports 2019Shoreline Publishing Group, James Buckley Jr.192
2018Who Is Pelé?James Buckley Jr., Who HQ Who HQAndrew Thomson112
2018Who Was Booker T. Washington?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Jake Murray112
2017Adolf HitlerJames Buckley Jr.208
2017Who Are Venus and Serena Williams?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Andrew Thomson112
2016Year in Sports 2017James Buckley Jr.192
2016Spiders and Other Deadly AnimalsJames Buckley Jr.96
2016Who Was Jules Verne?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Gregory Copeland112
2015Who Was Blackbeard?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Joseph J. M. Qiu105
2015Who Was Seabiscuit?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Gregory Copeland112
2015Who Was Jesse Owens?James Buckley Jr., Who HQGregory Copeland112
2014Who Was Betsy Ross?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.John O'Brien112
2014Who Was Roberto Clemente?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Ted Hammond112
2014Who Was Muhammad Ali?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Stephen Marchesi112
2014Who Were the Wright Brothers?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Tim Foley112
2013Who Was Ernest Shackleton?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Max Hergenrother112
2013Who Was Milton Hershey?Who HQ, James Buckley Jr.Ted Hammond112


Who HQ
Manuel Gutierrez
Gregory Copeland
Ted Hammond
John O'Brien
Tim Foley
Joseph J. M. Qiu
Andrew Thomson
Who HQ Who HQ
Stephen Marchesi
Laurie A. Conley
Max Hergenrother
Yanitzia Canetti
Jake Murray
Cassie Anderson
Shoreline Publishing Group
Caitlin Like
Andy Duggan
Ellen Labrecque
Steffi Walthall
Kelly Tindall


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