
Lynn Munsinger


Lynn Munsinger illustrated What Mommies Do Best. She lives in Boston.

We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt
Hedgehog Bakes a Cake
Happy Birdday, Tacky!
All for Me and None for All
Tacky and the Haunted Igloo
ABC School's for Me!
Ginny Louise and the School Showdown
The Loch Mess Monster
Me First
Listen, Buddy
The Jellybeans Love to Dance
Tacky Goes to Camp

Most Popular Lynn Munsinger Books

    chapter • 195 Pages
    Howliday Inn
    James Howe, Lynn Munsinger
    picture • 32 Pages
    Happy Birdday, Tacky!
    Helen Lester, Lynn Munsinger
    picture • 32 Pages
    Three Cheers for Tacky
    Helen Lester, Lynn Munsinger
    picture • 32 Pages
    Tacky in Trouble
    Helen Lester, Lynn Munsinger
    picture • 32 Pages
    A Porcupine Named Fluffy
    Helen Lester, Lynn Munsinger
    picture • 32 Pages
    Tacky Goes to Camp
    Helen Lester, Lynn Munsinger

Book Stats


All Lynn Munsinger Books

2020We're Going on a Pumpkin HuntMary Wilcox32
2020Hedgehog Bakes a Cake36
2017Happy Birdday, Tacky!Helen Lester32
2016All for Me and None for AllHelen Lester32
2015Tacky and the Haunted IglooHelen Lester32
2015ABC School's for Me!Susan B. Katz32
2015Ginny Louise and the School ShowdownTammi Sauer32
2014The Loch Mess MonsterHelen Lester32
2013Me FirstHelen Lester32
2013Listen, BuddyHelen Lester32
2013The Jellybeans Love to DanceLaura Numeroff, Nate Evans24
2012Tacky Goes to CampHelen Lester32
2012The Jellybeans and the Big Art AdventureLaura Numeroff, Nate Evans32
2011The Jellybeans and the Big Camp KickoffNate Evans, Laura Numeroff32
2011Wodney Wat's WobotHelen Lester32
2010A String of HeartsLaura Malone Elliott32
2010Tacky's ChristmasHelen Lester32
2010The Jellybeans and the Big Book BonanzaLaura Numeroff, Nate Evans32
2008Tacky the PenguinHelen Lester32
2008Beatrice Doesn't Want ToLaura Numeroff32
2007Tacky and the Winter GamesHelen Lester32
2006Howliday InnJames Howe195
2006Zany ZooWilliam Wise32
2005Seven Spunky MonkeysJackie French Koller32
2005Hunter's Best Friend at SchoolLaura Malone Elliott32
2005Tacky in TroubleHelen Lester32
2003Something Might HappenHelen Lester32
2001What Grandmas Do BestLaura Numeroff24
2001One Hungry MonsterSusan Heyboer O'Keefe22
2000What Grandmas Do BestLaura Numeroff40
1999The Teeny Tiny GhostKay Winters32
1999Whooo's Haunting the Teeny Tiny Ghost?Kay Winters32
1999Hooway for Wodney WatHelen Lester32
1998What Mommies Do Best / What Daddies Do BestLaura Numeroff40
1996Princess Penelope's ParrotHelen Lester32
1996Three Cheers for TackyHelen Lester32
1989A Porcupine Named FluffyHelen Lester32
1989It Wasn't My FaultHelen Lester32
1987Norma Jean, Jumping BeanJoanna Cole48
1986My New BoyJoan Phillips32


James Howe
Helen Lester
Joanna Cole
Laura Numeroff
Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
Laura Malone Elliott
Nate Evans
Joan Phillips
Kay Winters
Mary Wilcox
Susan B. Katz
Jackie French Koller
Tammi Sauer
William Wise


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