
Joanna Cole


Joanna Cole is the author of the popular Magic School Bus series, I’m a Big Brother, I’m a Big Sister, and many other award-winning books. In Asking About Sex & Growing Up, she provides a reassuring blend of practical guidance and scientific fact for the audience that needs it most.

Costume Parade
Stars of the Show
The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution
Rockin' Rockets
The Best Friend Plan
No Dogs Allowed
The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge
Inside Ralphie
I'm a Big Brother
I'm a Big Sister
The Magic School Bus Takes a Moonwalk

Most Popular Joanna Cole Books

    picture • 32 Pages
    I'm a Big Sister
    Joanna Cole, Rosalinda Kightley
    picture • 32 Pages
    I'm a Big Brother
    Joanna Cole, Rosalinda Kightley
    chapter • 40 Pages
    The Magic School Bus
    #4 in Series
    Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen
    picture • 40 Pages
    Inside the Human Body
    #3 in Series
    Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen
    chapter • 32 Pages
    The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor
    #5 in Series
    Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen
    chapter • 32 Pages
    The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses
    #10 in Series
    Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen

Book Stats


All Joanna Cole Books

2022Costume ParadeStephanie Calmenson, Joanna ColeJames Burks96
2021Stars of the ShowStephanie Calmenson, Joanna ColeJames Burks96
2020The Magic School Bus Explores Human EvolutionJoanna ColeBruce Degen56
2020Rockin' RocketsStephanie Calmenson, Joanna ColeJames Burks96
2020The Best Friend PlanStephanie Calmenson, Joanna ColeJames Burks96
2014No Dogs AllowedStephanie Calmenson, Joanna ColeHeather Ross144
2014The Magic School Bus and the Climate ChallengeJoanna ColeBruce Degen40
2010Inside RalphieJoanna Cole, Beth NadlerJohn SpeirsBruce Degen30
2010I'm a Big BrotherJoanna ColeRosalinda Kightley32
2010I'm a Big SisterJoanna ColeRosalinda Kightley32
2007The Magic School Bus Takes a MoonwalkJoanna ColeCarolyn Bracken32
2006Lost in the SnowJoanna ColeCarolyn Bracken32
2006The Magic School Bus and the Science Fair ExpeditionJoanna ColeBruce Degen56
2006The Magic School Bus at the First ThanksgivingJoanna ColeCarolyn Bracken32
2005The Magic School Bus Flies from the NestJoanna ColeCarolyn Bracken32
2003Medieval CastleJoanna ColeBruce Degen40
2002SkeletonsEva Moore, Joanna Cole, Jackie GlassmanLinda NyseCarolyn BrackenTed EnikCarisa Swenson90
2001Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Ancient EgyptJoanna ColeBruce Degen48
2001The Magic School Bus Explores the SensesJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
2001The Giant GermJoanna Cole, Eva MooreJohn SpeirsTed Enik76
2000The Magic School Bus Explores the World of AnimalsScholastic Productions, Joanna Cole, Nancy WhiteJohn Speirs32
2000My Big Girl PottyJoanna ColeMaxie Chambliss32
1999The Magic School Bus Gets ProgrammedJoanna ColeMaggie SykoraBruce Degen32
1999How I Was AdoptedJoanna ColeMaxie Chambliss48
1999The New Baby at Your HouseJoanna ColeMargaret Miller48
1999The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field TripJoanna Cole, Bruce DeganBruce Degen48
1998The Magic School Bus Takes a DiveJoanna ColeBruce DegenTed Enik32
1998The Magic School Bus Plays BallJoanna ColeArt RuizBruce Degen32
1998The Magic School Bus in a PickleJoanna ColeBob OstrumBruce DegenBob Ostrom32
1997The Magic School Bus Spins a WebJoanna ColeBruce DegenJim Durk32
1997The Magic School Bus Taking FlightJoanna ColeBruce DegenCarolyn Bracken32
1997The Magic School Bus Gets PlantedJoanna Cole32
1997The Magic School Bus Goes UpstreamJoanna ColeBruce DegenNancy Stevenson32
1997The Magic School Bus Ups and DownsJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
1997The Magic School Bus Shows and TellsJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
1996The Magic School Bus Going BattyJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
1996The Magic School Bus Out of This WorldJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
1996The Magic School Bus Inside a HurricaneJoanna ColeBruce Degen48
1996The Magic School Bus Gets Ants in Its PantsJoanna ColeBruce DegenJohn Speirs32
1996All Dried UpJoanna ColeNancy StevensBruce Degen32
1996The Magic School Bus Gets EatenScholastic Productions, Joanna Cole, Patricia Relf, Bruce DegenCarolyn Bracken32
1996The Magic School Bus Blows Its TopJoanna Cole, Gail HermanBob Ostrom32
1996The Magic School Bus Inside a BeehiveJoanna ColeBruce Degen48
1995The Magic School Bus Meets the Rot SquadJoanna ColeCarolyn BrackenBruce Degen32
1995Monster MannersJoanna ColeJared Lee48
1995The Magic School Bus in the Time of the DinosaursJoanna Cole, Bruce Degen48
1995The Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a CakeJoanna ColeBruce DegenTed Enik32
1995The Magic School Bus Plants SeedsJoanna ColeJohn SpeirsBruce Degen32
1994The Magic School Bus on the Ocean FloorJoanna ColeBruce Degen48
1994The Magic School Bus on the Ocean FloorJoanna ColeBruce Degen32
1992The Magic School BusJoanna Cole, Bruce Degen40
1989Your New PottyJoanna ColeMargaret Miller40
1989The Magic School BusJoanna ColeBruce Degen60
1989Inside the Human BodyJoanna ColeBruce Degen40
1988The Missing ToothJoanna Cole48
1987Norma Jean, Jumping BeanJoanna ColeLynn Munsinger48
1986Bony-legsJoanna ColeDirk Zimmer48
1986The Magic School Bus At the WaterworksJoanna ColeBruce Degen40
1986Hungry, Hungry Sharks!Joanna ColePatricia Wynne48


Rosalinda Kightley
Bruce Degen
Patricia Wynne
Bruce Degan
John Speirs
Gail Herman
Bob Ostrom
Dirk Zimmer
Maxie Chambliss
Ted Enik
Eva Moore
Margaret Miller
Nancy Stevenson
Stephanie Calmenson
James Burks
Lynn Munsinger
Carolyn Bracken
Scholastic Productions
Nancy White
Beth Nadler
Patricia Relf
Nancy Stevens
Art Ruiz
Jim Durk
Bob Ostrum
Jared Lee
Maggie Sykora
Heather Ross
Linda Nyse
Carisa Swenson
Jackie Glassman


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