
Marcia Thornton Jones


Marcia Thornton Jones is co-author of the bestselling THE ADVENTURES OF THE BAILEY SCHOOL KIDS series, along with single titles like CHAMP. She has been writing for Scholastic for almost twenty years! Marcia lives and writes in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband and their two cats.

Dragons Don't Cook Pizza (Graphic Novel)
Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips (Graphic Novel)
Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias (Graphic Novel)
Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots (Graphic Novel)
Dragons Don't Throw Snowballs
Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles
The Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows
Werewolves Don't Run for President

Most Popular Marcia Thornton Jones Books

    chapter • 96 Pages
    The Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows
    Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones
    chapter • 80 Pages
    Zombies Don't Play Soccer
    Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. Jones, John Steven Gurney
    chapter • 96 Pages
    Witches Don't Do Backflips
    Marcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones
    chapter • 80 Pages
    Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips
    Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, John Steven Gurney
    chapter • 80 Pages
    Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade
    Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones
    chapter • 80 Pages
    Monsters Don't Scuba Dive
    Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones

Book Stats


All Marcia Thornton Jones Books

2024Dragons Don't Cook Pizza (Graphic Novel)Marcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyAngeli Rafer80
2023Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips (Graphic Novel)Marcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyAngeli Rafer80
2022Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias (Graphic Novel)Marcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyPearl Low80
2021Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots (Graphic Novel)Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesPearl Low80
2007ChampMarcia Thornton Jones187
2006Dragons Don't Throw SnowballsDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones80
2006Ghosts Do Splash in PuddlesMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJoelle Dreidemy64
2005The Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast MarshmallowsDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones96
2004Werewolves Don't Run for PresidentDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia ThorntonJohn Steven GurneyJohn Gurney96
2004Ogres Don't Hunt Easter EggsDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney96
2003Ghost ClassMarcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. Jones, Debbie Dadey96
2002Mrs. Claus Doesn't Climb Telephone PolesDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. Jones96
2002Mrs. Jeepers on Vampire IslandDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. JonesJohn Steven Gurney128
2000Dracula Doesn't Rock and RollDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1999Double Trouble MonstersMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney80
1999The Hauntlys' Hairy SurpriseMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey112
1999Vampire BabyMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney69
1999Spooky SpellsMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney72
1999Kilmer's Pet MonsterMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney80
1998Vampire TroubleMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney80
1998Hercules Doesn't Pull TeethDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1998Howling at the Hauntlys'Marcia Thornton Jones, John Steven Gurney, Debbie Dadey80
1998The Monsters Next DoorMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie DadeyJohn Steven Gurney80
1998Knights Don't Teach PianoDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney66
1997Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh RidesMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1997Bogeymen Don't Play FootballDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1997Mrs. Jeepers' Batty VacationDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney112
1997Mermaids Don't Run TrackDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney112
1997Bigfoot Doesn't Square DanceDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney68
1996Angels Don't Know KarateDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1996Mrs. Jeepers Is Missing!Marcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey97
1996Martians Don't Take TemperaturesDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones80
1995Dracula Doesn't Drink LemonadeDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones80
1995Zombies Don't Play SoccerDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1995Monsters Don't Scuba DiveDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones80
1995Cupid Doesn't Flip HamburgersDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones80
1994Witches Don't Do BackflipsMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones96
1994Genies Don't Ride BicyclesMarcia Thornton Jones, Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1993Aliens Don't Wear BracesDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1993Frankenstein Doesn't Plant PetuniasDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia T. Jones64
1992Ghosts Don't Eat Potato ChipsDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80
1992Leprechauns Don't Play BasketballDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones80
1991Werewolves Don't Go to Summer CampDebbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney96
1991Vampires Don't Wear Polka DotsDebbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton JonesJohn Steven Gurney80


Debbie Dadey
Marcia T. Jones
John Steven Gurney
Pearl Low
Joelle Dreidemy
Angeli Rafer
John Gurney
Marcia Thornton


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