
Nivea Ortiz


Nívea Ortiz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She earned the degree of Bachelor in Fine Arts with a major in Illustration from Pratt Institute in New York. Back in Puerto Rico, she began her professional career at the leading newspaper El Nuevo Día, illustrating covers and articles for the sections Por Dentro, De Viaje and De Moda. She collaborated in Dialogo, the University of Puerto Rico’s newspaper and in Caras fashion magazine. She also has a prominent career in the field of children’s illustration. Her clients include Simon and Schuster Publishing, Penguin Random House, La Editorial de la Universidad de P.R., Ediciones SM, Ediciones Santillana, McGraw Hill, Alfaguara Infantil-Juvenil, Ediciones Norte, El Nuevo Dia, Méndez & Co./ PR Heineken Jazz Fest, Taubman Co./ The Mall of San Juan. Her work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators N.Y., the Publishers Association of the West, The Society of Newspaper Design and the Asociación de Fotoperiodistas de P.R. She was named winner of the “My San Juan Mural” 2015 contest held by The Mall of San Juan, PR’s premier shopping destination.

The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid

Books by Nivea Ortiz

    board • 24 Pages
    The Little Mermaid
    Hannah Eliot, Nivea Ortiz

Book Stats


All Nivea Ortiz Books

board • 24 Pages
The Little Mermaid
Board Book
