Author & Illustrator

Rob Scotton


Rob Scotton is the bestselling author and illustrator of Russell the Sheep; Russell and the Lost Treasure; Russell’s Christmas Magic; Splat the Cat; Love, Splat; Merry Christmas, Splat; and Scaredy-Cat, Splat! His work can also be found on greeting cards, ceramics, textiles, prints, stationery, and glassware. An honors graduate of Leicester Polytechnic, Rob now lives in Rutland, England, with his wife, Liz, who is also an artist. You can visit Rob Scotton online at

Max and Moonbean
Splat the Cat and the Obstacle Course
Splat the Cat and the Cat in the Moon
Splat the Cat and the Lemonade Stand
Splat the Cat Gets a Job!
Splat and the New Baby
Splat the Cat for President
Splat the Cat and the Big Secret
Splat the Cat and the Late Library Book

Most Popular Rob Scotton Books

    picture • 32 Pages
    Splat the Cat and the Lemonade Stand
    Rob Scotton
    picture • 32 Pages
    Splat the Cat and the Quick Chicks
    Rob Scotton
    picture • 32 Pages
    Splat the Cat and the Cat in the Moon
    Rob Scotton
    picture • 32 Pages
    Splat the Cat Gets a Job!
    Rob Scotton
    picture • 16 Pages
    Where's the Easter Bunny?
    Rob Scotton
    picture • 24 Pages
    Splat the Cat Dreams Big
    Annie Auerbach, Rob Scotton

Book Stats


All Rob Scotton Books

2023Max and MoonbeanRob ScottonRob Scotton48
2021Splat the Cat and the Obstacle CourseRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2020Splat the Cat and the Cat in the MoonRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2019Splat the Cat and the Lemonade StandRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2018Splat the Cat Gets a Job!Rob ScottonRob Scotton32
2018Splat and the New BabyRob ScottonRob Scotton40
2016Splat the Cat for PresidentRob ScottonRob Scotton24
2016Splat the Cat and the Big SecretRob ScottonRob Scotton24
2016Splat the Cat and the Late Library BookRob ScottonRob Scotton24
2016Splat the Cat and the Quick ChicksRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2015Twice the MiceRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2015Christmas CountdownRob ScottonRob Scotton12
2015I Scream for Ice CreamRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2015The Big HelperJ. E. Bright, Rob ScottonRob Scotton24
2015Splat the Cat and the HotshotRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2014Splat the CatRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2014Splat the Cat and the Snowy Day SurpriseRob ScottonRob Scotton16
2014Splat the Cat Makes Dad GladRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2014Splat the Cat: Up in the Air at the FairRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2013Splat the Cat: Blow, Snow, BlowRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2013Splat the Cat Dreams BigAnnie AuerbachRob Scotton24
2013Merry Christmas, SplatRob ScottonRob Scotton40
2013What Was That?Rob ScottonRob Scotton12
2013Splat and the Cool School TripRob ScottonRob Scotton40
2013Splat the Cat: A Whale of a TaleRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2013On With the ShowRob Scotton, Annie AuerbachLoryn Brantz24
2013Splat the Cat with a Bang and a ClangRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2012Funny ValentineRob ScottonRob Scotton16
2012Fishy TalesAnnie AuerbachRob Scotton32
2012Splat the Cat: The Rain Is a PainRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2012Splat Says Thank You!Rob ScottonRob Scotton40
2012Splat the Cat: The Name of the GameRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2012The Perfect Present for Mom & DadAnnie AuerbachRob Scotton24
2012Secret Agent Splat!Rob ScottonRob Scotton40
2012Splat the Cat Takes the CakeRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2011Splat the Cat and the Duck with No QuackRob ScottonRob ScottonRobert Eberz32
2011Back to School, Splat!Rob ScottonRob Scotton24
2011Splat the Cat: Good Night, Sleep TightRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2011Splish, Splash, Splat!Rob ScottonRob Scotton40
2011Splat the Cat Sings FlatRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2011Where's the Easter Bunny?Rob ScottonRob Scotton16
2010Scaredy-Cat, Splat!Rob ScottonRob Scotton40
2009Russell the SheepRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2008Love, SplatRob ScottonRob Scotton40
2008Splat the CatRob ScottonRob Scotton40
2007Russell's Christmas MagicRob ScottonRob Scotton32
2006Russell and the Lost TreasureRob ScottonRob Scotton32


Annie Auerbach
J. E. Bright
Robert Eberz
Loryn Brantz


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