
a thief Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about a thief
“They at once spot the bag of silver. They then declare I have saved the house, and make no end of fuss with me. I am a hero. Later on Miss Brown came down and fondled me lots, and kissed me, and tied a piece of pink ribbon round my neck; and made me look a fool.”
“Juan makes his living as a thief. He hears Dona Josefa, an old woman, who works as a healer in her town, declare that she is the ‘richest woman in the world.”
“Sloth is the thief of time. The character defect of putting off actions “until things get better” is one of the most destructive detours we can make. Delays never make problems “go away;” they only make success harder to attain.”
“But when a thief steals the two splendid lobsters, Mr. Petrusca is more upset than anyone can understand. ”
“When a thief nicks off with the lobsters and leaves a note in code on their tank, poor Mr Petrusca is more devastated than anybody would expect. ”
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