
being authentic Quotes

Three of the best book quotes about being authentic
Happy are you, Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret!
Source: Chapter 17, Paragraph 21
“Herbert,” said I, laying my hand upon his knee, “I love—I adore—Estella.”
Source: Chapter 30, Paragraph 14
She thought he was laying there so still on purpose, playing the martyr; she attributed all possible understanding to him. She happened to be holding the long broom in her hand, so she tried to tickle Gregor with it from the doorway. When she had no success with that she tried to make a nuisance of herself and poked at him a little, and only when she found she could shove him across the floor with no resistance at all did she start to pay attention.
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 30
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