
being overlooked Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about being overlooked
“You’ve seen him caring for those people -- the ones so low that no one, not I or anyone else, cared what happened to them. When I see that, I know that the God of Israel has not forgotten us.”
“Try to explain the art of starving to someone! Those who have no feel for it can never be made to understand.”
“And so he lived […] in apparent glory, honored by the world, but for all that usually in a melancholy mood, which grew increasingly so because no one was able to take it seriously.”
“Morris sat under the Christmas tree. Suddenly he noticed a package that had been overlooked. He opened it. In it was a Disappearing Bag. Morris crawled right in.”
“You can be so important, so crucial to the fabric of things and yet be entirely overlooked.”
“Then she would be shunned, her victories derided. Her identity, viscously unraveled.”
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