
disapointments Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about disapointments
“Nevertheless he persisted in his attitude. He brought home lead soldiers, he brought toy trains, he brought large pleasant animals made of cotton, and, to perfect the illusion which he was creating – for himself at least – he passionately demanded of the clerk in the toy-store whether “the paint would come off the pink duck if the baby put it in his mouth.”
“It was not a girl’s room. It was not anybody’s room, and the faint scent of cheap cosmetics and the few feminine objects and the other evidences of crude and hopeless efforts to feminise it but added to its anonymity.”
“The dream of my life is not yet realized. I do not sit with my children in a home of my own.”
“If things do not turn out as we wish, we should wish for them as they turn out.”
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