“More than sixty years ago, mathematical logicians, by defining precisely the concept of an algorithm, gave content to the ancient human idea of an effective calculation. Their definitions led to the creation of the digital computer, an interesting example of thought bending matter to its ends.”
“We have said that primary science is the science of these things in so far as they, its subjects, are things that are, and not in regard to any other feature. Hence both physics and mathematics are to be considered mere parts of total understanding.”
“The burglar who did this may be studying mathematics and doesn’t have the money to buy books. He heard that you were a famous mathematician and so he came here and hit you on the head...”
“It means the right to have our own opinions. Human problems aren’t like mathematics, Nat. Every problem doesn’t have just one answer; sometimes you get several answers—and you don’t know which is the right one.”
Then Matthew started doing things he couldn’t do before, like counting in binary-code mathematics. So he told them about Chocky - the person who lived in his head.