
thieves Quotes

20 of the best book quotes about thieves
“‘Well, you’re horse thieves, and that’s a sin in my book,’ Call said. ‘Where do you people come from?‘”
“The first is that the bailiff is dismissed for thieving, and that I have formed a resolution to have no bailiff at all, but to manage everything with my own head and hands.”
“They can very seldom pick up a livelihood by stealing […], although I confess they learn the rudiments much earlier, during which time they can however be properly looked upon only as probationers […] as I have been informed by a principal gentleman in the country of Cavan”
″‘The clever thieves,’ Kyle read from the book, ‘took up residence in an abandoned dress factory next door to the Gold Leaf Bank and spent weeks tunneling from its basement in to the bank vault.‘”
“It is my pleasure to introduce your new police commissioner. I do not envy her the next few years. The job has few rewards. The best you can hope for is that when you’re finished with it, things aren’t as lousy as they would’ve been without you. Ellen Yindel is eminently qualified for this job...She face a city of thieves and murderers and honest people too frightened to hope. She faces life-and-death decisions, every hour to come. Some will torture her. She will face a man who is the living spoirit of...something we need. She may be his enemy. She may learn from him.”
″...there’s no way of stopping it until you find the person responsible and sack them. If you don’t identify the culprit fairly soon, you’re going to have another year without showing a profit....”
“Stay home and the crooks win. They get the night, by default and concession, the night which should rightly belong to all of us.”
“The sneak thieves are here!”
“Excuse me, have you seen a rabbit wearing a hat?”
“What was he up to? At night, to be brief, Slinky Malinki turned into a THIEF.”
“All over town, from basket to bowl, he pilfered and pillaged, he snitched and he stole.”
“Only the sanctimonious birds that perched on the church’s dome ever saw Smith’s progress entire, and as their beady eyes followed him, the chattered savagely, ‘Pick-pocket! Pick-pocket! Jug him! Jug-jug-jug him!’ as if they’d been appointed by the Town to save it from such as Smith.”
″‘Ain’t you got no feelings for yore trade?’ asked Smith earnestly. ‘Don’t you want it to prosper with more readers?’ ‘You’re a wicked little thief!’ said the bookseller, now jerking to the left. ‘Only because I’m ignorant!‘”
“The burglar who did this may be studying mathematics and doesn’t have the money to buy books. He heard that you were a famous mathematician and so he came here and hit you on the head...”
″‘The whole affair is a mystery to me,’ he said. ‘Who would want to steal anything from me?’ ‘Perhaps a thief...?’ ventured Julius.”
“He had lost the Minnow to her rightful and unpleasant owner; he would have to go ashore and fight the owner for calling him a thief, and, as he was the smaller boy, he would probably be beaten.”
″‘They’re after our Puddin’ exclaimed Sam, ‘because they’re professional puddin’-thieves.”
“The hornets are our most formidable enemy, and the wickedest, and the wasps are a useless tribe of thieves, without home or religion.”
“This story of French street kids, street life, street games, the theft of their beloved, headless, wooden horse and their determined, pell-mell pursuit of the thieves. ”
“How the pony, Brandy, and the horse bus, help Mr. Potter resolve this crisis is the crux of the story and a more exciting adventure than you might think, including thieves, a dramatic chase scene and very happy ending.
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