
Mr. Slinger Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Mr. Slinger
“Lilly loved school. She loved the pointy pencils. She loved the squeaky chalk. And she loved the way her boots went clickety-clickety-clack down the long, shiny hallways. Lilly loved the privacy of her very own desk. She loved the fish sticks and chocolate milk every Friday in the lunchroom. And, most of all, she loved her teacher, Mr. Slinger.”
“Mr. Slinger was as sharp as a tack. He wore artistic shirts. He wore glasses on a chain around his neck. And he wore a different colored tie for each day of the week.”
″ ‘I do not want to be a teacher when I grow up,’ Lilly said as she marched out of the classroom.”
“At home Lilly pretended to be Mr. Slinger. “I am the teacher,” she told her baby brother, Julius. “Listen up!”.”
“Today was a difficult day. Tomorrow will be better.”
″ ‘Look’, Lilly whispered fiercely. ‘Look, everyone. Look what I’ve got!’ Everyone looked. Including Mr. Slinger. He was not amused.”
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