
paleness Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about paleness
“Danny came over to our apartment one evening in September...His beard and earlocks were gone, and his face looks pale.”
“He was filthy and pale and dried out and I thought he was dead. I couldn’t have been more wrong.”
“Sun did not suit Artemis. He did not look well in it. Long hours indoors in front of a computer screen had bleached the glow from his skin. He was white as a vampire and almost as testy in the light of day”
“Nguyen was by now thoroughly spooked. Artemis generally had that effect on people. A pale adolescent speaking with the authority and vocabulary of a powerful adult. Nguyen had heard the name Fowl before—who hadn’t in the international underworld?—but he’d assumed he’d be dealing with Artemis senior, not this boy. Though the word “boy” hardly seemed to do this gaunt individual justice.”
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