
face Quotes

47 of the best book quotes about face
“You are my face; I am you. Why did you leave me who am you? I will never leave you again Don’t ever leave me again You will never leave me again You went in the water I drank your blood I brought your milk You forgot to smile I loved you You hurt me You came back to me You left me I waited for you You are mine You are mine You are mine”
“Danny came over to our apartment one evening in September...His beard and earlocks were gone, and his face looks pale.”
“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.”
“I want the freedom to carve and chisel my own face, to staunch the bleeding with ashes, to fashion my own gods out of my entrails...”
“She looks sad. She looks angry. She looks different from everyone else I know—she cannot put on that happy face others wear when they know they are being watched. She doesn’t put on a face for me, which makes me trust her somehow.”
“The expression on his face seemed to say that what had needed to be done had been done, and done right. Beside this his expression also seemed to hold warning, a reproach to the living.”
“The face of Truth is hidden by a golden disk. O Pushan (Effulgent Being)! Uncover (Thy face) that I, the worshipper of Truth, may behold Thee.”
“An ugly man, with a face sharp like a weasel and a habit of running a flickering tongue over his lips before he speaks. But most ugly of all are his eyes: blue, bright blue. When people see them, they flinch. Such things are freakish. He is lucky he was not killed at birth.”
“The rosy gleam of his lip, the fevered gleam of his eyes. There was not a line anywhere on his face, nothing creased or graying; all crisp. He was spring, golden and bright. Envious death would drink his blood, and grow young again.”
“Achilles’ eyes were bright in the firelight, his face drawn sharply by the flickering shadows. I would know is in dark or disguise, told myself. I would know it even in madness.”
“Her face was fair and pretty, with eyes like two bits of night sky, each with a star dissolved in the blue.”
“But no matter when I go back, the fact remains, eventually I need to face the other people on the tapes.”
“There is no orchestra, no audience; it is an empty theater in the middle of the night and all the clocks in the world are ticking. And now for this last time, Jade, I don’t mind, or even ask if it is madness: I see your face, I see you, you; I see you in every seat.”
“So I climb on the bed where the light of the moon is shining on your face and I know it will be morning soon. Everybody needs a safe place.”
“Well, I remember you describing the white face and the green hair to me when I was a kid. Scared the hell out of me. I thought you’d be interested... Yeah, well I had some interesting nightmares.”
“New rule,” he said. “No more rules.” She smiled. “And if I agree to this ‘no more rules,’ what’s in it for me?” “Me.” She felt the smile burst bloom across her face. “Well, if that’s not the best offer I’ve ever had.”
“I will never forget that face as long as I live. Does everybody look that way when they have lost something? I don’t mean like losing a flashlight. I mean do people look like that when they have lost?”
“He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.”
“He looked up, as if searching the stars, as if reading a map up there. The moon made his face into a silver mask.”
“That night Treehorn was watching TV. As he reached over to change channels, he noticed that his hand was bright green. He looked in the mirror that was hanging over the television set. His face was green. His ears were green. His hair was green. He was green all over.
“ ‘Now settle down,’ said Miss Nelson in a sweet voice. But the class would not settle down. They whispered and giggled. They squirmed and made faces.”
“Topthorn, I noticed, always shook his head in the water before he started to drink so that alongside him I was showered all over my face and neck with cooling water.”
“Karl looked at him with a face full of savage bitterness. ‘I haven’t made a figure,’ he muttered. ‘I couldn’t do it. I’ve failed, Fritz. When the clock chimes ten tomorrow. But nothing will come out, nothing....’ He groaned softly, and turned away. ‘I can’t face them!’ he went on. ′ I should go and throw myself off the tower now and have done with it!.” ‘Oh, come on, don’t talk like that!’ said Fritz, who had never seen his friend so bitter.”
“It is important to be one of the crowd, always. Be one of many. Be sure that they never have reason to remember your face.”
“The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mother’s, her nose, her mouth. But my eyes were my own.”
There were so many situations that children can engage with in terms of wanting to the keep the pets in the face of a parent’s opposition. There is also then the relationships within the family of the children and their stepfather.
“Why, yes, it’s a pity about her face. But she’s a brave girl and honest.”
“Had a good look at my face in the bathroom mirror today. I have got five spots as well as one on my chin. I have got a few hairs on my lip. It looks as if I shall have to start shaving soon.”
“But his face you could not see, on account of his beaver hat. For his hat was a hundred and two feet wide, with ribbons and bibbons on every side, and bells, and buttons, and loops, and lace, so that nobody could see the face of the Quangle Wangle Quee.”
″‘You don’t understand,’ he said, ‘who I am or what I am. I’ll show you. By Heaven! I’ll show you.’ Then he put his open palm over his face and withdrew it. The centre of his face became a black cavity.”
“Oh! anger is an evil thing And spoils the fairest face; It cometh like a rainy cloud Upon a sunny place. One angry moment often does What we repent for years: It works the wrong we ne’re make right By sorrow or tears.”
“The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little swallow was filled with pity.”
“Everybody starts talking at once, asking her questions. Miss Saunders answers ‘em all. Some kids even go up to her face and stare and point. She lets them do it too, like she’s proud of her face or something.”
“But it so happened that Nature had given to the youngest sons gifts that she had not bestowed upon his elder brothers. He had a beautiful face and fine, strong, graceful figure; he had a bright smile a sweet, gay voice; he was brave and generous, and had the kindest heart in the world, and seemed to have the power to make everyone love him.”
“That’s when he came swimming real slow out of the deep, and even though my head was underneath the dark water I could see him coming right at me. . . Where he should have had a face there was nothing but dark gray. Where he should have had eyes there was nothing but a darker colder-looking color. He grabbed my leg and started pulling me down.”
“Sometimes, as she sat knitting, aware that William’s eyes were on her face, she felt her breath tightening in a way that was strange and not unpleasant. Then, just as suddenly, rebellion would rise in her. He was so sure! Without even asking, he was reckoning on her as deliberately as he calculated his growing pile of lumber.”
“Here’s what I can do Chew gum, write, spell, stand on my head for the longest amount of time, stand on my toes, get dizzy and fall down, make a terrible face And here’s the thing of it Most of the time I’m on the telephone”
“His face was the colour of a well-worn polished brown boot. The skin was creased but still young and suppple-not that you could see much of his face for it was almost entirely hidden by a head and beard of wild white hair.”
“Gogo was old, but her face shone like new school shoes. Her hands were large and used to hard work, but there were gentle. She rested her hands on Malusi’s shoulders and said, ‘I need someone to help me today.’ Malusi kept quite and listedes carefully.”
“I was winding it up one night, when suddenly it gave a little gasp and a long sigh, like a soul departing from the body; and it wouldn’t go after that. Sometimes, from force of habit, I take it out at night and start to wind it. Then I miss its genial tick, and I feel as if I am looking at the face of a dead friend.”
″ ‘Why it’s gone!’ she said sadly, feeling once more just to make sure. The loose tooth was really and truly gone. The salty mud from her fingers tasted bitter, and she made a bitter-tasting face that was almost a face like crying.”
“The General grew red in the face. ‘Why can’t you load it?’ he shouted. ‘Please, sir,’ said the Gunner. ‘There’s a duck in the gun.’ ‘A duck? In our gun?’ The General jumped up from his chair.”
″‘How old are you?’ asked Susan. ‘All manner of ages,’ replied the scarecrow. ‘My face is one age, and my feet are another, and my arms are the oldest of all.‘”
“What a joyful thing it is to awaken, on a fresh glorious morning, and find the rising sun staring into your face with dazzling brilliancy! -to see the birds twittering in the bushes, and to hear the murmuring of a rill, or the soft hissing ripples as they fall upon the sea-shore!”
If ever a face meant death—if looks could kill—we saw it at that moment.
Source: Chapter 18, Line 23
“What the invention of oil-painting was to the Venetians, the face of Antinous was to late Greek sculpture, and the face of Dorian Gray will some day be to me.”
Source: Chapter 2, Paragraph 56
“Like the painting of a sorrow, A face without a heart.”
Source: Chapter 20, Paragraph 31

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