
pasta Quotes

10 of the best book quotes about pasta
“It’s an accepted fact that there are an uncanny amount of Ramen noodles and dried pastas on college campuses, which provide cheap nutrition for students, thus allowing them to afford more beer. This point yet another finger at the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s influence. Clearly, He is at work in our institutions of higher learning, and this can only bode well for the country’s future.”
“The universe appears to be expanding, much like cooked pasta, as illustrated by observed light from distant galaxies shifting toward the Marinara Spectrum. Some scientists cite this as support for His preference for red sauce, but they are most likely idiots.”
“The one thing you must never do,” said Strega Nona, “is touch the pasta pot. It is very valuable and I don’t let anyone touch it!”
″‘Stop!’ yelled Big Anthony. But the pasta did not stop and if someone hadn’t grabbed poor Big Anthony, the pasta would have covered him up. ”
“I’ll show them!” he said to himself. “Someday I will get the pasta pot and make it cook! And then they’ll be sorry.”
“Everyone get forks and plates and platters and bowls. Pasta for all at Strega Nona’s house. Big Anthony has made the magic pasta pot work.”
“Big Anthony was a hero! He scooped out pasta and filled the plates and platters and bowls. ”
“Bubble, bubble, pasta pot, Boil me some pasta, nice and hot, I’m hungry and it’s time to sup, Boil enough pasta to fill me up.”
“Enough, enough, pasta pot, I have my pasta, nice and hot, So simmer down my pot of clay, Until I’m hungry another day.”
“But too bad for Big Anthony, because he didn’t see Strega Nona blow three kisses to the magic pasta pot.”
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