
self-conceit Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about self-conceit
“There are no words to contain all my wisdom. I am so cunning, crafty and clever, so filled with deceit, guile and chicanery, such a knave, so shrewd, cagey as well as calculating, as diabolical as I am vulpine, as tricky as I am untrustworthy…”
“There are no words to contain all my wisdom. I am so cunning, crafty and clever … I told you there were not words invented yet to explain how great my brain is … ”
“I have the keenest mind that has ever been turned to unlawful pursuits . . . ”
“The Wolf strikes again!”
“The mirror in my room in the Windsor Hotel in Paris reflected my favorite image of me- a darkly handsome young airline pilot, smooth-skinned, bull-shouldered, and immaculately groomed.”
“He asked her if she thought he was conceited. She said there was a difference between conceit and self-confidence. She adored self-confidence in men.”
“Just because you are quiet doesn’t mean that you are without pride. Privately thinking you’re better than others is still pride. It’s still dangerous.”
“He was well aware of his own considerable abilities, and nervously exaggerated them in his self-conceit.”
“One of the biggest oxymorons is the term ‘self-made’ man or woman. No man or woman ever ‘made’ him- or herself. The psalmist understood this when he wrote, ‘It is [God] who has made us, and not we ourselves’ (Psalm 100:3, NKJV). I also love what he goes on to say at the end of the verse: ‘We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.‘”
“I am a Freight Engine. I have just pulled a big train loaded with big machine over the mountain. These machines print books and newspapers for grown-ups to read. I am a very important engine indeed. I won’t pull the likes of you!”
“I pull you? I am a Passenger Engine. I have just carried a fine big train over the mountain, with more cars than you ever dreamed of.... I pull the likes of you? Indeed not!”
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