
This Side Of Paradise Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from This Side Of Paradise
“Good luck to you and bad luck to your theories.”
“I hope something happens. I’m restless as the devil and have a horror of getting fat or falling in love and growing domestic.”
“He felt that he was leaving behind him his chance of being a certain type of artist. It seemed so much more important to be a certain sort of man.”
“Weak things were often beautiful, weak things were never good.”
“Dear, don’t think of getting out of bed yet. I’ve always suspected that early rising in early life makes one nervous.”
“I know myself . . . but that is all.”
“But he fell gradually in love and began to speculate wildly on marriage.”
“He asked her if she thought he was conceited. She said there was a difference between conceit and self-confidence. She adored self-confidence in men.”
“It was always the becoming he dreamed of, never the being.”
“In her less important moments she returned to America, met Stephen Blaine and married him—this almost entirely because she was a little bit weary, a little bit sad.”
“I can’t say sweet things. But you are beautiful.”
“I’ve enjoyed imagining you were my son, that perhaps when I was young I went into a state of coma and begat you, and when I came to, had no recollection of it… it’s the paternal instinct, Amory.”
“Children adored him because he was like a child; youth reveled in his company because he was still a youth, and couldn’t be shocked.”
“He was a slave to his own moods.”
“I don’t want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again.”
“I possess the most valuable experience, the experience of the race, for in spite of going to college I’ve managed to pick up a good education.”
“I’m sick of a system where the richest man gets the most beautiful girl if he wants her, where the artist without an income has to sell his talents to a button manufacturer.”
“His youth seemed never so vanished as now in the contrast between the utter loneliness of this visit and that riotous, joyful party of four years before.”
“Beauty and love pass, I know… Oh. there’s sadness, too. I suppose all great happiness is a little sad. Beauty means the scent of roses and then the death of roses.”
“She was gone, definitely, finally gone. Until now he had half unconsciously cherished the hope deep in his heart that some day she would need him and send for him.”

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