In a unique narrative, readers meet a diverse group of six children ranging in age from Kindergarten through fifth grade. With nerves and excitement each child gears up for a new school year by hustling in the morning, meeting new teachers and new classmates during the day, and heading home with homework and relief by day’s end. Simple, bright illustrations focus on each child and his/her worries, hopes, and successes on the first day of school.
Sally Derby is the author of many books for children, including Kyle’s Island, Sunday Shopping (Lee & Low), Jump Back, Paul: The Life and Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar (Candlewick), and No Mush Today (Lee & Low). Sally lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mika Song is a children’s writer/illustrator who makes stories about sweetly funny outsiders. She grew up in Manila, Philippines and Honolulu, Hawaii before moving to New York to study at Pratt Institute. She was an animator before getting into children’s books. In 2015, she received the Portfolio Award at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Winter Conference in NYC.
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