Caleb and Kit
Caleb and Kit

Caleb and Kit

Written by Beth Vrabel
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Jul 9, 2019
Publication date

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What Does Bookroo Think of Caleb and Kit

Illness and imperfection weave together in a meaningful, informative, and emotional tale of friendships.

As Caleb walks through the woods near his house, he sees what looks like an angel sitting atop a boulder with the sun shining down on her through the trees. This new friend, Kit, gives Caleb all he’s ever hoped for—the freedom and fun of being a normal kid without the categorization and constant reality of his cystic fibrosis looming over him. The fun comes at a price, as Caleb lies and skips summer camp to play with Kit. It isn’t until Caleb learns that Kit’s mother is neglecting her that he realizes their fairytale summer must come to an end. Caleb confides in his mother about Kit’s secret, who demonstrates that parents can help sort through serious situations. This informative, moving book gives a detailed example of what it’s like to live with cystic fibrosis and creates a genuine tone to this emotional tale (best for older middle-grade readers) about a boy who reminds us that fighting an illness takes courage, particularly when there’s no magic Captain America serum to be had. Kit teaches Caleb a repeated mantra throughout the story, “I can do what I want,” which, with his lying, leads to a touch of rebellion plaguing the story. However, the end of the book leaves us with a lesson on the value of honesty and the magic of friendship.

What Kind of Book is Caleb and Kit

Primarily about

diseasescystic fibrosisself-esteem and self-reliancemaking friends


Where Does Caleb and Kit Stand Out

  • Thoughtful Citizen

    The “Thoughtful Citizen” badge is awarded to recognize exceptional books that promote exemplary citizenship.

What Should I Know As a Parent

Families are unique and have different expectations for the books they choose to read. The following are concepts included in this book that some parents may wish to seek out or avoid.

Note that this list is not exhaustive and there may be concepts in this book that are not included or have been insufficiently or incorrectly detailed here.

What Questions Should I Ask My Child

  • *Caleb and Kit* shares many details about what it's like to live with cystic fibrosis. What did you learn about the disease? How does understanding more about cystic fibrosis increase your empathy?
  • Caleb skipped summer camp, kept Kit a secret, and lied at other times in the book. How did Caleb's dishonesty lead to trouble? Why was it important for him to tell the truth?
  • Caleb's mom would set a timer for 10 minutes for Caleb to feel sorry for himself when he was having a hard time and thinking about cystic fibrosis. His mom said he should feel the emotion for a time and then "move onward and upward." How could this be a helpful practice for you?


Book Lists That Include Caleb and Kit

The Creative Behind the Book

Trivia to Know About Caleb and Kit

Awards Given to Caleb and Kit

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Book Details

Publication Date
July 9, 2019
Running Press Books
Original Publication Date
September 12, 2017
Page Count
Middle Grade
Reading Age
8 - 12 years
Lib. of Congress (LCCN)
Est. Lexile® Level
Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
ATOS® Book Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Accelerated Reader Quiz
Accelerated Reader Interest Level

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