The adventure continues–training a street pony into a show pony! When nine-year-old Kelly Wilson outgrows her pony, her mom surprises her with a beautiful steel-grey mare that she spotted trotting down the street, tied to the back of a truck. But there’s a catch. Cameo has never been ridden! While her sisters Vicki and Amanda are jumping higher than ever before, Kelly must face her fears on an untested pony. Will Cameo ever be ready for competitions? And will the girls’ ponies hold their own against the purebreds at the Royal Show?
Kelly Wilson competed in show jumping to Pony Grand Prix level, before focusing on her creative talents. She is the author of four adult non-fiction books, including For the Love of Horses and Mustang Ride. With her sisters Vicki and Amanda, Kelly has starred in the TV series Keeping up with the Kaimanawas, following their work taming New Zealand’s wild Kaimanawa horses, and traveled to America and Australia to rescue and tame wild horses.
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