In the seventh installment of the exciting Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly graphic novel series, Ruskin’s friend Cinder gets cursed! Cinder has always carried a small spark of envy when it comes to Ruskin. He is, after all, known as the legendary scarlet dragon. And it’s hard to be friends with a legend, as the Witch-Dragon, Villinelle, knows all too well. When Villinelle unleashes the dreaded Soul Blazer spell on Cinder, her small spark of envy grows into an uncontrollable flame. Can Ruskin help his friend, or will Cinder’s fire burn too bright?
Jordan Quinn grew up in a fairy tale castle in England. It had a spiral stone staircase, a moat, and a dungeon. As a child she liked to play hide-and-go-seek and ride her beloved horse, Prince Charming. When she wasn’t riding, she wrote stories about fairies, trolls, dragons, and wizards. Today Jordan lives on a ranch in California with her husband, son, and a golden retriever named Sir Toots-a-Lot.
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