Book Series

Ira Crumb Books

Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
picture • 32 Pages
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
#2 in Series
Book #1

Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings

Written by Naseem Hrab & illustrated by Josh Holinaty
5 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Oct 15, 2018
Publication date


Ira and Malcolm are best friends: they always make each other laugh, always eat lunch together, and always play together. But one day, a disagreement about whether to play tag or hide-and-seek sees the suddenly über-popular Malcolm run off with a crowd of tag-loving kids–and Ira all alone. Ira’s tummy hurts, his chin is wibbling, and his eyes are leaking. What’s happening?! Any efforts to cheer him up fall flat. When Malcolm finally returns and asks what’s wrong, Ira tells him: “I had all these feelings…and I didn’t have you.” The second Ira Crumb book marks the return of an endearing character full of personality, humor, and heart. With lots of laughs and comics-style storytelling, it’s a funny, touching look at how feelings can be confusing, and how processing emotions can take time–and a bit of help from a pretty good friend.

Ira Crumb Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
20182Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings32

The Creatives Behind the Book

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