First Science Storybooks Books

The Squirrels' Busy Year
Fox Explores the Night
Caterpillar and Bean
Bird Builds a Nest
The Squirrels' Busy Year
Fox Explores the Night
Caterpillar and Bean
picture • 32 Pages
The Squirrels' Busy Year
Book #1

The Squirrels' Busy Year

Written by Martin Jenkins & illustrated by Richard Jones
4 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Jul 10, 2018
Publication date


Budding scientists will enjoy a gentle introduction to the seasons as squirrels scamper through the winter, spring, summer, and fall. It’s winter. It’s cold! The squirrels are digging up acorns to eat. But what will they eat in the spring, when the acorns are gone? As the bushy-tailed creatures weather snowstorms, thunderstorms, and hot summer days, this gentle story uses simple, clear language and beautiful illustrations to introduce very young readers to the seasons and the changing weather they bring. Basic questions at the end help children remember and expand on what they’ve learned, and back matter includes an index.

First Science Storybooks Series

Published from 2018 - 2019
4 books
picture • 32 Pages
The Squirrels' Busy Year
picture • 32 Pages
Fox Explores the Night
picture • 32 Pages
Caterpillar and Bean
picture • 32 Pages
Bird Builds a Nest

The Creatives Behind the Books

    Martin Jenkins

    Martin Jenkins has written many celebrated books for children, including The Emperor’s Egg, illustrated by Jane Chapman, and Can We Save the Tiger?, illustrated by Vicky White. Martin Jenkins lives in England, where he also works as a conservation biologist.

    Richard Jones

    Richard Jones has more than 20 years of experience in the creative arts with a PhD in graphic communication. In his spare time, Richard enjoys bobbing about in the sea, feeding the cat, and licorice. He lives in England.

    Richard Smythe

    RICHARD SMYTHE graduated with an illustration master’s degree in 2010 and has illustrated many successful picture books with his distinctive style including Watersong, a New York Public Library’s Best Books for Kids 2017 list, and Fox in the Night. He lives in the UK.

    Hannah Tolson

    Originally from a small town near Leeds, Hannah Tolson moved the long long way down to Falmouth, Cornwall to study illustration by the sea. After graduating in 2013, she now still lives and continues to illustrate there. Bold colors and playful compositions inspire her.

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