John M. Feierabend has spent decades compiling and preserving songs and rhymes of the American people. He is a leader in the eld of early childhood education and currently serves as a professor at the University of Hartford in Connecticut.
Hi there! My name is Mina Elise Echevarria and I am a freelance Illustrator from Hartford, Connecticut. I started drawing by the time I could hold a fork. Today, you can catch me holding one of the two! I absolutely love to cook and my fascination for food started at a young age, too. It’s no wonder I like painting botanicals! Outside of illustrating I enjoy cooking, watching animated film, and thrifting all of which I enjoy doing with my loved ones. I believe we are all passionate and creative beings. There’s just something we are drawn to, almost like a part of our make-up. This is mine. And my greatest treasure has been having this passion alongside me since I was a kid. It just continues to grow stronger and louder as time passes. But my second treasure would be the gift of sharing it all with you!