Book Series

Melowy Books

In order from Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic to The Secret Book (Melowy #6)
Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic
Melowy Vol. 3: Time to Fly
The Ice Enchantment (Melowy #4)
The Secret Book (Melowy #6)
Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic
chapter • 64 Pages
Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic

Written by Cortney Faye Powell & illustrated by Ryan Jampole
7 - 11
Reading age
Page count
Sep 10, 2019
Publication date


When flying unicorns called Melowies turn fourteen they go to school at Destino, a legendary castle hidden somewhere in the clouds. Here they develop their special power, which lies dormant in them until they finish school and discover their place in the world. What lies ahead for the impressive group of Electra, Selene, Kora, Maia, and Clio, each destined for their own paths? Dreams, adventure, and friendship around every corner!

Melowy Series

Published from 2018 - 2019
4 books
chapter • 64 Pages
Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of Magic
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
chapter • 64 Pages
Melowy Vol. 3: Time to Fly
#3 in Series
Graphic Nov.
chapter • 96 Pages
The Ice Enchantment (Melowy #4)
#4 in Series
chapter • 96 Pages
The Secret Book (Melowy #6)
#6 in Series
20191Melowy Vol. 1: The Test of MagicCortney Faye Powell64
20193Melowy Vol. 3: Time to FlyCortney Faye Powell64
20184The Ice Enchantment (Melowy #4)Danielle Star96
20186The Secret Book (Melowy #6)Danielle Star96

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