Book Series

Candlewick Sparks Books

In order from Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday Surprise to Houndsley and Catina at the Library
Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday Surprise
Zelda and Ivy: The Runaways
The Monster in the Backpack
Squirrel's World
Ant and Honey Bee
picture • 48 Pages
Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday Surprise
#39 in Series
Book #39

Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday Surprise

Written by Carole Lexa Schaefer & illustrated by Galia Bernstein
5 - 9
Reading age
Page count
Apr 28, 2015
Publication date


Shh! It’s Monkey’s birthday–but that’s a secret. Can Elephant keep the big news under his party hat for one whole day? Monkey and Elephant are very good friends–such good friends that Monkey lets Elephant in on a secret. The secret is that it is Monkey’s birthday, and Monkey does not like birthdays. But Elephant also has a secret: he has trouble keeping secrets. And keeping such a happy secret is especially hard. When Elephant learns that Clever Rat has made some party hats and is inviting friends over to see them, Elephant wants to turn their gathering into a party for Monkey. But how will he do it without giving away Monkey’s secret?

Candlewick Sparks Series

Published from 2006 - 2020
8 books
picture • 48 Pages
Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday Surprise
chapter • 48 Pages
Zelda and Ivy: The Runaways
picture • 40 Pages
The Monster in the Backpack
picture • 48 Pages
Squirrel's World
picture • 64 Pages
Ant and Honey Bee
picture • 64 Pages
Poppy the Pirate Dog and the Missing Treasure
picture • 48 Pages
Monkey and Elephant and the Babysitting Adventure
picture • 48 Pages
Houndsley and Catina at the Library
201539Monkey and Elephant and a Secret Birthday SurpriseCarole Lexa SchaeferGalia Bernstein48
2006Zelda and Ivy: The RunawaysLaura McGee KvasnoskyLaura McGee Kvasnosky48
2013The Monster in the BackpackLisa MoserNoah Z. Jones40
2013Squirrel's WorldLisa MoserValeri Gorbachev48
2013Ant and Honey BeeMegan McDonaldG. Brian Karas64
2015Poppy the Pirate Dog and the Missing TreasureLiz KesslerMike Phillips64
2016Monkey and Elephant and the Babysitting AdventureCarole Lexa SchaeferGalia Bernstein48
2020Houndsley and Catina at the LibraryJames HoweMarie-Louise Gay48

The Creatives Behind the Books

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