Inspired by her own experiences with anxiety, and the experiences of young people she met while visiting schools with The Best Worst Thing, Kathleen Lane recently launched Create More, Fear Less (—a workshop and website designed to encourage young people to use the gifts of their anxious minds to take on fear and anxiety. She is currently working on a middle-grade short story collection, and just finished her adult story collection, Deaths I’ve Imagined. Stories from the collection can be found in Los Angeles Review, Baltimore Review, Berkeley Fiction Review, Swink Magazine, Writer’s Digest, Forest Avenue Press, and elsewhere. Kathleen lives in Portland, Oregon, where she enjoys nothing more than biking around with her husband and two boys. She is also quite fond of popcorn.
Sarah Horne was born in sub-zero Derbyshire, UK, one cold November day. Since then, she has graduated from Falmouth College of Arts in 2001, and from Kingston University with a Masters in illustration in 2005. Currently, Sarah lives and works in Wapping, London, and spends many hours sipping tea while working at Happiness At Work Studios.