Book Series

Sato the Rabbit Books

Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
Sato the Rabbit
#1 in Series
Book #1

Sato the Rabbit

Written by Yuki Ainoya
4 - 8
Reading age
Feb 23, 2021
Publication date


Do you ever wonder what wonderful things might be hiding in the world that we can’t immediately see? What stories your breakfast would tell you if it could talk, or where your pet would take you in its dreams? Haneru Sato thinks such things, so one day, he decides to find out how the world will change if he changes a little, too. He becomes a rabbit and discovers a world where every corner is a door to somewhere new and the simplest actions lead in unexpected directions. Coming from Japan, this whimsical book is the first in a trilogy.

Sato the Rabbit Series

1 book
Sato the Rabbit
20211Sato the Rabbit0

The Creative Behind the Book

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