Follow along with the spooky, little bat as he flies through the night sky! He soars above the pumpkin patch, through the trees, and past the stars, making friends along the way. Play along with this “spooky” story and adorable little bat plush finger puppet toy built into the book, encouraging interactive play, hand-eye coordination, and sensory & language development. Babies and toddlers learn best when they are playing, especially when their grown-ups are in the fun! A must for your littles Halloween library collection! Collect more finger puppet books from Cottage Door Press and be sure to check out our full section of Halloween books for kids! The adorable built-in finger-puppet encourages interactive finger play, which helps develop little muscles and build finger strength, improving coordination and fine motor skills. Soft plush and a rhyming story combine to provide both tactile and verbal learning opportunities to babies and toddlers.Thick board pages perfect for little hands to actively participate in storytime. Lively illustrations and a plush finger puppet help keep little girls and boys engaged throughout.Babies and toddlers learn best when they are playing, especially when their grown-ups are in on the fun. A great finger puppet book and Halloween activity for your baby or toddler, and a great gift for Halloween to get little boys and girls excited for the celebration!
Cottage Door Press is an independent publisher of high-quality children’s books. We believe that every child deserves an excellent first book experience–beginning on the day they’re born. Reading is learning is our driving philosophy, and we strive to help parents understand why reading aloud from birth is so important. We offer a simple development-based guide to help them on their journey. Ginger Swift is a pen name for the creative team at Cottage Door Press. We use a name like this when we work together on a story. We choose a name that stands for “red bird,” which is our cheerful little mascot.
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