
Cottage Door Press


Cottage Door Press is an independent publisher of high-quality children’s books. We believe that every child deserves an excellent first book experience–beginning on the day they’re born. Reading is learning is our driving philosophy, and we strive to help parents understand why reading aloud from birth is so important. We offer a simple development-based guide to help them on their journey. Ginger Swift is a pen name for the creative team at Cottage Door Press. We use a name like this when we work together on a story. We choose a name that stands for “red bird,” which is our cheerful little mascot.

Dinos Love Halloween
Dinos Love Donuts
Santa's Special Christmas Gift!
Paw Patrol Go, Pups, Go!
John Deere Farm & Find
My Dad Loves Me
I Made This! Snacks
Merry Christmas to You
Grandma & Me
Día de Los Muertos
Wheels on the Bus

Most Popular Cottage Door Press Books

    board • 26 Pages
    Baby's First Bible Stories
    Cottage Door Press, Caroline Williams;Caroline Williams, Rachel Elliot
    board • 12 Pages
    Hippity, Hoppity, Little Bunny
    Cottage Door Press
    board • 4 Pages
    Now You Are One
    Minnie Birdsong, Cottage Door Press, Jenny Wren
    picture • 12 Pages
    Jesus Loves Me!
    Monique Dong;Monique Dong, Cottage Door Press, Ginger Swift
    chapter • 10 Pages
    Potty Time!
    Cottage Door Press, Scarlett Wing
    board • 24 Pages
    A Collection of Stories for 1 Year Olds
    Cottage Door Press

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All Cottage Door Press Books

2024Dinos Love HalloweenCottage Door PressChristine Sheldon12
2023Dinos Love DonutsCottage Door PressChristine Sheldon12
2023Santa's Special Christmas Gift!Cottage Door PressMalgorzata Detner10
2023Paw Patrol Go, Pups, Go!Scarlett Wing, Cottage Door Press, Paw Patrol Licensed ArtSarah-lisa Hleb12
2023John Deere Farm & FindJack Redwing, Cottage Door PressJen Taylor32
2023My Dad Loves MeCottage Door Press22
2022I Made This! SnacksSally Sampson, Cottage Door Press24
2022Merry Christmas to YouCottage Door Press24
2022Grandma & MeCottage Door Press, Brick PuffintonOlivia Chin Mueller12
2022JollyCottage Door PressKathrin Fherl12
2022Día de Los MuertosRosie Pajaro, Cottage Door PressGaby Zermeo12
2022Wheels on the BusScarlett Wing, Cottage Door Press12
2022A Little SquirrelCottage Door Press10
2022Moo Am I?Cottage Door PressIvan Barrera10
2022Peek-a-Flap ColorsCottage Door Press, Jaye GarnettKathrin Fehrl12
2022Dig It! Dump It! Build It!Cottage Door PressTommy Doyle10
2022A Collection of Stories for 1 Year OldsCottage Door Press24
2021Dragons Make Great FriendsCottage Door Press, Cassandra HamesForrest Burdett24
2021I'm a Potty SuperheroCottage Door PressMabel Forsyth10
2021ABCJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressKathrin Fehrl12
2021Puppy LoveBrick Puffinton, Cottage Door PressSydney Hanson12
2021Good Night, Cuddlebug LaneCardinale, Cottage Door Press, CherriSanja Rescek12
2021CheetahCottage Door Press, Jaye GarnettBricking;Jennifer;Bricking;Jennifer14
2021Peek-a-Flap WordsCottage Door PressMaria Neradova12
2021Are You My Planet?Cottage Door Press, Lori Haskins HouranEdward Miller;Edward Miller32
2021Where's Jane?Cottage Door Press, Jaye Garnett14
2021Vanilla BeanCottage Door Press, Katie TurnerKatie Turner32
2021Happy Birthday!Scarlett Wing, Cottage Door Press8
2021New at the ZooCottage Door Press, Carmen CroweMitchell Miller12
2021CareJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressTaia Morley24
2021Chimpanzee FamilyGarnett, Cottage Door Press, JayeStephLew12
2021FamilyCottage Door Press, Jaye GarnettMelanie Mikecz;Melanie Mikecz24
2020One, Two, PEEP!Cottage Door Press, Chie Y Boyd12
2020I Spy with My Little Eye Vehicle AdventureCottage Door Press, Steve SmallmanNicola Slater32
2020Will You Be My Bright StarCottage Door Press, Rose BuntingTommy Doyle18
2020Babies Love HugsCottage Door Press12
2020Peek-a-Flap LoveCottage Door Press, Cheri Love-ByrdKathrin Fehrl12
2020Bedtime WishesCottage Door Press, Rose BuntingPatrick Brooks18
2020Happy Hanukkah, Little DreidelBrick Puffinton, Cottage Door PressJuliana Motzko12
2020Mirror & Me FeelingsRose Colombe, Cottage Door PressCharlotte Pepper10
2020Itty Bitty Yeti!Cottage Door Press, Brick PuffintonVanessa Port12
2020Peek-a-Flap DinoCottage Door Press, Jaye GarnettRichard Merritt;Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt12
2020Santa's Big Day!Cottage Door PressRob Sayegh12
2020All the ColorsRosie Winget, Cottage Door PressHilli Kushnir10
2020Jungle JeepParragon Books, Cottage Door Press, Ronne RandallClaire Menley10
2020Tractor TroubleCottage Door Press, Parragon Books, Ronne RandallClaire Menley10
2020Babies in the OceanGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressAbigail Dela Cruz12
2020A Little UnicornBrick Puffinton, Cottage Door PressKathrin Fehrl12
2020John Deere Kids When I Grow UpCottage Door Press, Jack RedwingTakako Fisher10
2020Funny Little GhostCottage Door Press, Rosa VonfederMacKenzie Haley10
2020Spooky Little KittenCottage Door Press, Rosa VonfederRachel Foo10
2020What Is a Flamingo?Ginger Swift, Cottage Door PressMelanie Mikecz12
2020Birds: Feathers, Eggs, and BeaksScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressBeatrice Tinarelli12
2020Farm FriendsJack Redwing, Cottage Door PressBrianna Gooch12
2020John Deere Kids DirtCottage Door Press, Jack RedwingJen Taylor12
2020God's Love is a RainbowBrick Puffington, Cottage Door PressEmily Emerson12
2019Big Egg, Small EggCottage Door Press, Parragon Books10
2019Babies Love NumbersScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressAnna Clark;Daniel Clark12
2019Panda Panda FeelingsVicki Scott, Mona Koth, Cottage Door PressMona Koth24
2019Little Avocado's Big AdventureCottage Door Press, Brick PuffingtonSilvia Cheung12
2019Taco TuesdayCottage Door Press, Brick PuffingtonAmy Blay12
2019What Is a Family?Cassandra Hames, Cottage Door PressNila Aye18
2019Baby SharkCottage Door PressCarlo Beranek;Carlo Beranek12
2019Jingle & Joy!Holly Berry-Byrd, Cottage Door PressLindsay Dale-Scott5
2019What Is a Sloth?Cottage Door Press, Ginger SwiftManu Montoya12
2019What Is a Narwhal?Ginger Swift, Cottage Door PressMelanie Mikecz12
2019Listen & Learn DinosaursCottage Door Press, Carmen CroweRichard Merritt;Richard Merritt12
2019Happy Halloween, Little Baby!Cottage Door Press, Rosa Von FederMei Stoyva10
2019Daniel Tiger Friends Help Each Other!Scarlett Wing, Cottage Door Press16
2019Autumn in the ForestRusty Finch, Cottage Door PressKatya Longhi10
2019Trick or Treat, Little PumpkinRosa Von Feder, Cottage Door PressSamantha Meredith12
2019Spooky, Spooky, Little BatCottage Door Press12
2019Hello, Farm!Cottage Door Press12
2019Trains Then and NowCottage Door Press, Scarlett Wing10
2019Butterflies and MothsCottage Door Press, Scarlett Wing12
2019It's You I Like!Cottage Door Press, Scarlett Wing10
2019A New Baby Is LoveRose Bunting, Cottage Door PressAlice Wong18
2019Summer in the ForestCottage Door Press, Rusty FinchKatya Longhi10
2019All God's CreaturesGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressDaniela Sosa;Daniela Sosa12
2019Spring in the ForestRusty Finch, Cottage Door PressKatya Longhi10
2019Potty Time!Cottage Door Press, Scarlett Wing10
2019Let's Play HockeyGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressKathryn Selbert12
2019Jesus Loves Me!Cottage Door Press, Ginger SwiftMonique Dong;Monique Dong12
2018Good Morning, GodGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressDaniela Sosa;Daniela Sosa12
2018Quack! Moo! Oink!Cottage Door Press10
2018A Little BunnyRosalee Wren, Cottage Door PressWednesday Kirwan10
2018Good Night, GodGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressDaniela Sosa;Daniela Sosa12
2018I Love You Every DayCottage Door PressSamantha Meredith;Samantha Meredith12
2018Hippity, Hoppity, Little BunnyCottage Door Press12
2018Friendly Little SnowmanCottage Door Press, Samantha Meredith12
2018Jingle, Jingle, Little ReindeerCottage Door Press12
2018Five Little MonkeysCottage Door PressSarah Ward12
2018Daddy and MeCottage Door PressSarah Ward;Sarah Ward12
2018Mother Goose TreasuryCottage Door PressPriscilla Lamont192
2018Mommy and MeTiya Hall, Cottage Door Press, Sydney Hanson20
2018Daddy and MeCottage Door Press, Tiya Hall, Sydney Hanson20
2018Mommy and MeCottage Door PressSusan Ward12
2018Five-Minute StoriesCottage Door Press384
2018365 Bedtime Stories and RhymesCottage Door Press384
2018Baby's First Bible StoriesCottage Door Press, Rachel ElliotCaroline Williams;Caroline Williams26
2018Hoot Howl HalloweenCottage Door Press, Becky WilsonSamantha Meredith10
2018The Princess and the PeaKolanovic Dubravaka, Cottage Door Press32
2018How to Tie Your ShoesCottage Door PressShahar Kober10
2018Peek-a-Flap Ho Ho HoCottage Door Press, Holly Berry-ByrdYuyi Chen12
2018Mommy's Big HelperCottage Door Press, Rufus DownyYi-Hsuan Wu10
2018Peek-a-Flap Dig!Jaye Garnett, Cottage Door Press12
2018Sip Chew YumScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressAmy Blay12
2018Hug, Kiss, LoveScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressAmy Blay12
2017Babies Love EasterCottage Door Press, R.I. ReddNatalie Marshall12
2017A Walk in the ForestJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressLisa Manuzak10
2017Octopus Counts!Rufus Downy, Cottage Door PressSteve Mack14
2017Grandma's KitchenMadison Lodi, Cottage Door PressFrancesca Deluca18
2017How Many Do I Love You? a Valentine Counting BookCottage Door Press, Cheri Love-ByrdMei Støyva12
2017Jingle BellsCottage Door Press, Holly Berry-ByrdMiriam Bos12
2017Babies in the WildGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressLaura Horton12
2017Good Night, OctopusCottage Door Press, Caleb Burroughs10
2017Babies in the SnowGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressAriel Silverstein12
2017Santa's WorkshopHolly Berry-Byrd, Cottage Door PressFrancesco Zito12
2017BooCottage Door Press, Rosa Von FederGaby Zermeno12
2017Everybody Potties!Cheri Vogel, Cottage Door PressBelinda Strong10
2017Babies in the ForestGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressOlivia Chin Mueller12
2017Now You Are OneMinnie Birdsong, Cottage Door PressJenny Wren4
2017New Little PuppyRobin Rose, Cottage Door PressSydney Hanson5
2017Whiskers & TailsCottage Door Press, Rose PartridgeSteve Mack5
2016Babies on the FarmCottage Door Press, Ginger SwiftChie Y Boyd6
2016Babies Love ValentinesHolly Berry-Byrd, Cottage Door PressMartina Hogan6
2016All the Love in the WorldRose Bunting, Cottage Door PressOlivia Chin Mueller9
2016Christmas SongsHolly Berry-Byrd, Cottage Door PressKatya Longhi5
2016Oh! Christmas Tree!Cottage Door Press, Holly Berry-ByrdHelen Dardik6
2016Peek-a-Flap ZooJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressKasia Nowowiejska6
2016WhoJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressAriel Silverstein12
2016Babies Love HalloweenScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressStacy Peterson5
2016Peek-a-Flap MooJaye Garnett, Cottage Door PressJoy Steuerwald6
2016Grandpa's Wish ListMadison Lodi, Cottage Door PressSydney Hanson9
2016Little Green FrogGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressOlga Demidova5
2016Little Blue BoatGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressZoe Persico10
2016Little Yellow BeeGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressKatya Longhi12
2015Little Red BarnGinger Swift, Cottage Door PressDavid Pavon5
2015Busy Noisy FarmJulia Lobo, Cottage Door PressOlga Demidova12
2015Will You Be My SunshineCottage Door Press, Julia LoboNicola Slater18
2015Babies Love OppositesScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressMartina Hogan5
2015Babies Love First WordsScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressMartina Hogan5
2015The Moon Sees You & MeCaleb Buroughs, Cottage Door PressLisa Alderson18
2015Babies Love Things That GoScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressMartina Hogan5
2015Babies Love AnimalsScarlett Wing, Cottage Door PressMartina Hogan5
2015Grandma WishesCottage Door Press, Julia LoboHelen Rowe18


Caroline Williams;Caroline Williams
Rachel Elliot
Minnie Birdsong
Jenny Wren
Monique Dong;Monique Dong
Ginger Swift
Scarlett Wing
Shahar Kober
Priscilla Lamont
Olivia Chin Mueller
Daniela Sosa;Daniela Sosa
Julia Lobo
Helen Rowe
Kathryn Selbert
R.I. Redd
Natalie Marshall
Abigail Dela Cruz
Olga Demidova
Rusty Finch
Katya Longhi
Susan Ward
Jaye Garnett
Kasia Nowowiejska
Jen Taylor
Jack Redwing
Anna Clark;Daniel Clark
Mei Støyva
Cheri Love-Byrd
Sarah Ward;Sarah Ward
Ariel Silverstein
Amy Blay
Brick Puffington
Sarah Ward
Holly Berry-Byrd
Yuyi Chen
Wednesday Kirwan
Rosalee Wren
Samantha Meredith;Samantha Meredith
Cheri Vogel
Belinda Strong
Brianna Gooch
Joy Steuerwald
Martina Hogan
Zoe Persico
Kathrin Fherl
Chie Y Boyd
Kolanovic Dubravaka
Tiya Hall
Sydney Hanson
David Pavon
Melanie Mikecz
Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt
Manu Montoya
Richard Merritt;Richard Merritt
Carmen Crowe
Madison Lodi
Nicola Slater
Francesco Zito
Gaby Zermeno
Rosa Von Feder
Silvia Cheung
Vanessa Port
Brick Puffinton
Francesca Deluca
Rob Sayegh
Samantha Meredith
Becky Wilson
Claire Menley
Parragon Books
Ronne Randall
Yi-Hsuan Wu
Rufus Downy
Stacy Peterson
Carlo Beranek;Carlo Beranek
Rachel Foo
Rosa Vonfeder
Maria Neradova
Robin Rose
Kathrin Fehrl
Lisa Manuzak
Rose Bunting
MacKenzie Haley
Helen Dardik
Mei Stoyva
Caleb Burroughs
Katie Turner
Tommy Doyle
Laura Horton
Steve Mack
Mitchell Miller
Melanie Mikecz;Melanie Mikecz
Ivan Barrera
Patrick Brooks
Takako Fisher
Sanja Rescek
Lisa Alderson
Caleb Buroughs
Steve Smallman
Cassandra Hames
Nila Aye
Emily Emerson
Rose Colombe
Charlotte Pepper
Sarah-lisa Hleb
Paw Patrol Licensed Art
Beatrice Tinarelli
Rosie Pajaro
Gaby Zermeo
Juliana Motzko
Malgorzata Detner
Lindsay Dale-Scott
Alice Wong
Taia Morley
Vicki Scott
Mona Koth
Rose Partridge
Hilli Kushnir
Rosie Winget
Edward Miller;Edward Miller
Lori Haskins Houran
Sally Sampson
Christine Sheldon
Forrest Burdett
Mabel Forsyth
Miriam Bos


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