When Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox
When Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox

When Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox

Written by Jamie L. B. Deenihan and Jamie L.B. Deenihan & illustrated by Lorraine Rocha
Part of the When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree Book Series
3 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Mar 3, 2020
Publication date

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What Does Bookroo Think of This Book

This delightful story focused on an inter-generational relationship engenders creativity and helping others in a masterfully-clever execution.

The story begins with the opening endpapers as Grandpa starts to pull into the driveway with his pick-up truck, balloons filling the cab and a bow-bedecked red toolbox riding in the bed. It doesn’t end until the final endpapers, where readers can observe the physical transformation of the boy’s backyard (and the neighborhood!) mirroring the transformation of the little boy’s attitude towards the gift and his grandpa. Although the little boy, who remains nameless throughout the story, hopes for a doll-house for his birthday (a challenge of gender stereotypes), he grudgingly practices good manners (with a few eye-rolls) as he gives the reader instructions on the appropriate way to behave—“be patient,” “compliment Grandpa,” ”give him a hug,” etc. He soon discovers, however, that the toolbox sparks creativity and empowers him not only to create the world’s most magnificent dollhouse that will have both boys and girls clamoring to get a toolbox and build one of their own, but also to help his neighbors, create a community and spend quality time learning with his grandpa, whose teaching style is exemplary and evident throughout the illustrations (e.g. the host of wonky birdhouses built before the final one is complete). With a witty and playful tone, the masterful storytelling allows space for a significant portion of the story to be told through the illustrations. The illustrations themselves are beautiful, executed in bold colors and jam-packed with clever details—the little boys’ initials appear on the toolbox above the grandpa’s, Meyer and Lemon streets crossing on the front endpapers referencing an earlier book by the same creative team, and blueprints for the birdhouse, to name just a few.

What Kind of Book is When Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox


helping othersgratitudebirthdaysbuilding thingsgrandpafamily historyfamily  values and virtuessocial themesmultigenerationalpresents and giftsthe elderlygrandparentsboys and menkindnesssex and genderholidayspatiencetoolsinclusivity


Where Does This Book Stand Out

  • Storytelling Illustrations

    The “Storytelling Illustrations” badge is awarded to books with illustrations that exceptionally enrich the story.

What Questions Should I Ask My Child

  • The little boy in the story was hoping for one thing for his birthday, but he got something else. What can you learn about how to react when you receive something you aren't initially excited about?
  • At the beginning of the book, before the story begins, there's an author's note detailing her husband's diagnosis with cancer. To raise awareness for cancer patients, a gray ribbon and a gold ribbon have been included in the illustrations. Can you find them?
  • Take a close look at the page where the Grandpa and little boy are building the birdhouse. On the back workbench, there are lots of different birdhouses that look like they didn't quite work out. Can you think of a time when you had to fail in order to learn and ended up with something awesome?


Book Lists That Include This Book

The Creatives Behind the Book

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What Has Jamie L.B. Deenihan Said About This Book

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Book Details

Publication Date
March 3, 2020
Union Square Kids
Original Publication Date
March 31, 2020
Page Count
Reading Age
3 - 7 years
WorldCat Number (OCLC)
Lexile® Level
Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
Est. ATOS® Book Level

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Core Score - 40%

Still needs the basics.

Depth Score - 46%

Just the barebones.

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