Author & Illustrator

Britta Teckentrup


Britta Teckentrup has written and illustrated over seventy children’s books, which have been published in over twenty countries. Her books include Big Smelly Bear, Grumpy Cat, and The Odd One Out, as well as Tree, Bee, and The Twelve Days of Christmas in the Peek-Through Picture Book series. Born in Hamburg, Germany, and educated in London at St Martin’s College and the Royal College of Art, she currently lives with her family in Berlin.

Tiptoe Tiger
Reptiles Everywhere
Little Fox
Little Duck
Little Squirrel
Little Owl
Kindness Grows
Bugs Everywhere

Most Popular Britta Teckentrup Books

    picture • 32 Pages
    Britta Teckentrup
    picture • 32 Pages
    Britta Teckentrup
    picture • 32 Pages
    Britta Teckentrup
    picture • 32 Pages
    Britta Teckentrup
    picture • 40 Pages
    The Seedling
    Britta Teckentrup
    picture • 32 Pages
    Britta Teckentrup

Book Stats


All Britta Teckentrup Books

2022Tiptoe TigerJane ClarkeBritta Teckentrup24
2021HomeBritta Teckentrup32
2021Reptiles EverywhereCamilla de la BedoyereBritta Teckentrup32
2021Little FoxBritta Teckentrup14
2021Little DuckBritta Teckentrup14
2020Little SquirrelBritta Teckentrup14
2020Little OwlBritta Teckentrup14
2020KindAlison GreenMelissa CastrillonKitty CrowtherGerda DendoovenSusanne GohlichNicola KinnearBeatrice AlemagnaSteve AntonyDavid BarrowRotraut Susanne BernerQuentin BlakeSerge BlochBenjamin ChaudMarianna CoppoPippa CurnickMichael ForemanLucia GaggiottiIngrid GodonChris HaughtonLydia MonksJorg MuhleBarbara NascimbeniGuy Parker-ReesAxel SchefflerNick SharrattBirgitta SifHelen StephensLizzy StewartBritta TeckentrupKen Wilson-MaxCindy WumeDorothée de MonfreidOle KönneckeSarah McIntyreDavid RobertsAnke KuhlMoni PortThomas MullerPhilip Waechter48
2020Kindness GrowsBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2020Bugs EverywhereLily MurrayBritta Teckentrup32
2020We Are TogetherBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2020Leap FrogJane ClarkeBritta Teckentrup24
2020The SeedlingBritta Teckentrup40
2019Get Out of My Bath!Britta Teckentrup22
2019An Oval Submarine and Other ShapesBritta Teckentrup18
2019A Red Train and Other ColorsBritta Teckentrup18
2019OceanBritta Teckentrup32
2019Fish EverywhereBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2019Cat & MouseBritta Teckentrup24
2019Grande y pequeño / Big and SmallBarefoot BooksBritta Teckentrup16
2018Under the Same SkyBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2018Neon LeonJane ClarkeBritta Teckentrup24
2018Firefly HomeJane ClarkeBritta Teckentrup32
2018MoonBritta Teckentrup32
2017Little Wolf's SongBritta Teckentrup24
2017One Is Not a PairBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2017BeeBritta Teckentrup32
2016Oskar Loves...Britta Teckentrup32
2016Don't Wake Up the TigerBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup30
2016Before I Wake Up...Britta Teckentrup56
2016Clumsy DuckBritta Teckentrup26
2016Find the TriangleBritta Teckentrup24
2016Find the LineBritta Teckentrup24
2016TreeBritta Teckentrup32
2015Where's the Pair?Britta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2014Up & DownBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup28
2014Let's Talk About AnimalsHarriet BlackfordBritta Teckentrup40
2014The Odd One OutBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup32
2013Fast and SlowBarefoot BooksBritta Teckentrup16
2013Big Smelly BearBritta Teckentrup26
2013Run Home, Little MouseBritta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup36
2008A Black CatBritta Teckentrup18
2007How Big Is the World?Britta Teckentrup40


Barefoot Books
Melissa Castrillon
Kitty Crowther
Gerda Dendooven
Susanne Gohlich
Nicola Kinnear
Alison Green
Beatrice Alemagna
Steve Antony
David Barrow
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Quentin Blake
Serge Bloch
Benjamin Chaud
Marianna Coppo
Pippa Curnick
Michael Foreman
Lucia Gaggiotti
Ingrid Godon
Chris Haughton
Lydia Monks
Jorg Muhle
Barbara Nascimbeni
Guy Parker-Rees
Axel Scheffler
Nick Sharratt
Birgitta Sif
Helen Stephens
Lizzy Stewart
Ken Wilson-Max
Cindy Wume
Dorothée de Monfreid
Ole Könnecke
Sarah McIntyre
David Roberts
Anke Kuhl
Moni Port
Thomas Muller
Philip Waechter
Jane Clarke
Lily Murray
Camilla de la Bedoyere
Harriet Blackford


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