Author & Illustrator

Quentin Blake


Sir Quentin Blake, the first-ever Children’s Laureate of the United Kingdom, has illustrated nearly 300 books, including most of Roald Dahl’s children’s books. He lives in London.

Matilda: Matilda's Miracles
They All Come Out in the Wash
My Dad Is Fantastic
My Mom Is Magnificent
Roald Dahl Animal Sounds
Roald Dahl 123
Roald Dahl ABC
Meet the Family
Roald Dahl Colors
Roald Dahl Opposites
Never Grow Up

Most Popular Quentin Blake Books

    chapter • 164 Pages
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
    chapter • 240 Pages
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
    chapter • 176 Pages
    James and the Giant Peach
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
    chapter • 207 Pages
    The BFG
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
    chapter • 81 Pages
    Fantastic Mr. Fox
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
    chapter • 201 Pages
    The Witches
    Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake

Book Stats


All Quentin Blake Books

2024Matilda: Matilda's MiraclesRoald DahlQuentin Blake32
2024They All Come Out in the WashRoald DahlQuentin Blake32
2024My Dad Is FantasticRoald DahlQuentin Blake18
2024My Mom Is MagnificentRoald DahlQuentin Blake18
2023Roald Dahl Animal SoundsRoald DahlQuentin Blake18
2022Roald Dahl 123Roald DahlQuentin Blake22
2022Roald Dahl ABCRoald DahlQuentin Blake26
2022Meet the FamilyJohn YeomanQuentin Blake48
2022Roald Dahl ColorsRoald DahlQuentin Blake18
2022Roald Dahl OppositesRoald DahlQuentin Blake18
2021Never Grow UpRoald DahlQuentin Blake32
2020KindAlison GreenMelissa CastrillonKitty CrowtherGerda DendoovenSusanne GohlichNicola KinnearBeatrice AlemagnaSteve AntonyDavid BarrowRotraut Susanne BernerQuentin BlakeSerge BlochBenjamin ChaudMarianna CoppoPippa CurnickMichael ForemanLucia GaggiottiIngrid GodonChris HaughtonLydia MonksJorg MuhleBarbara NascimbeniGuy Parker-ReesAxel SchefflerNick SharrattBirgitta SifHelen StephensLizzy StewartBritta TeckentrupKen Wilson-MaxCindy WumeDorothée de MonfreidOle KönneckeSarah McIntyreDavid RobertsAnke KuhlMoni PortThomas MullerPhilip Waechter48
2020The WeedQuentin Blake32
2019On Angel WingsMichael MorpurgoQuentin Blake48
2019Dream Big and Other Life Lessons from the Enormous CrocodileRoald DahlQuentin Blake32
2017Three Little MonkeysQuentin BlakeEmma Chichester Clark40
2017All the Year RoundJohn YeomanQuentin Blake32
2014Quentin Blake's ABCQuentin Blake32
2012Bananas in My EarsMichael RosenQuentin Blake96
2012The Bear's Winter HouseQuentin Blake, John Yeoman24
2010The Missing Golden Ticket and Other Splendiferous SecretsRoald DahlQuentin Blake128
2009More About BoyRoald DahlQuentin Blake240
2009The Giraffe and the Pelly and MeRoald DahlQuentin Blake80
2009Esio TrotRoald DahlQuentin Blake96
2009The Magic FingerRoald DahlQuentin Blake96
2009BoyRoald DahlQuentin Blake192
2007Arabel's RavenJoan AikenQuentin Blake160
2007The TwitsRoald DahlQuentin Blake87
2007George's Marvellous MedicineRoald DahlQuentin Blake104
2007The WitchesRoald DahlQuentin Blake201
2007James and the Giant PeachRoald DahlQuentin Blake176
2007Charlie and the Great Glass ElevatorRoald DahlQuentin Blake190
2007The BFGRoald DahlQuentin Blake207
2007Danny the Champion of the WorldRoald DahlQuentin Blake202
2007MatildaRoald DahlQuentin Blake240
2005Michael Rosen's Sad BookMichael RosenQuentin Blake32
1997McBroom's Wonderful One-Acre FarmSid FleischmanQuentin BlakeMarylin Hafner64
1996ClownQuentin BlakeQuentin Blake32
1994The Vicar of NibbleswickeRoald DahlQuentin Blake48
1975A Near Thing for Captain NajorkRussell Hoban, Quentin BlakeQuentin Blake32
1970Fantastic Mr. FoxRoald DahlQuentin Blake81
1964Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryRoald DahlQuentin Blake164


Roald Dahl
Sid Fleischman
Marylin Hafner
Michael Rosen
Joan Aiken
Melissa Castrillon
Kitty Crowther
Gerda Dendooven
Susanne Gohlich
Nicola Kinnear
Alison Green
Beatrice Alemagna
Steve Antony
David Barrow
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Serge Bloch
Benjamin Chaud
Marianna Coppo
Pippa Curnick
Michael Foreman
Lucia Gaggiotti
Ingrid Godon
Chris Haughton
Lydia Monks
Jorg Muhle
Barbara Nascimbeni
Guy Parker-Rees
Axel Scheffler
Nick Sharratt
Birgitta Sif
Helen Stephens
Lizzy Stewart
Britta Teckentrup
Ken Wilson-Max
Cindy Wume
Dorothée de Monfreid
Ole Könnecke
Sarah McIntyre
David Roberts
Anke Kuhl
Moni Port
Thomas Muller
Philip Waechter
John Yeoman
Emma Chichester Clark
Russell Hoban
Michael Morpurgo


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