
Gary Paulsen


Gary Paulsen is one of the most honored writers of contemporary literature for young readers, author of three Newbery Honor titles, Dogsong, Hatchet, and The Winter Room. He has written over 100 books for adults and young readers. He divides his time among Alaska, New Mexico, Minnesota, and the Pacific.

How to Train Your Dad
Gone to the Woods
Six Kids and a Stuffed Cat
Fishbone's Song
This Side of Wild
Field Trip
Family Ties

Most Popular Gary Paulsen Books

    chapter • 186 Pages
    #1 in Series
    Gary Paulsen
    chapter • 176 Pages
    The River
    Gary Paulsen
    chapter • 133 Pages
    Brian's Winter
    Gary Paulsen
    chapter • 115 Pages
    Brian's Return
    #4 in Series
    Gary Paulsen
    chapter • 103 Pages
    Brian's Hunt
    #5 in Series
    Gary Paulsen
    chapter • 176 Pages
    Woods Runner
    Gary Paulsen

Book Stats


All Gary Paulsen Books

2022NorthwindGary Paulsen246
2021How to Train Your DadGary Paulsen186
2021Gone to the WoodsGary Paulsen357
2017Six Kids and a Stuffed CatGary Paulsen160
2016Fishbone's SongGary Paulsen149
2015This Side of WildGary PaulsenTim Jessell120
2015Field TripGary Paulsen, Jim Paulsen128
2014Family TiesGary Paulsen144
2013VoteGary Paulsen144
2013Road TripJim Paulsen, Gary Paulsen128
2012CrushGary Paulsen136
2012Brian's HuntGary Paulsen103
2012Brian's ReturnGary Paulsen115
2012Brian's WinterGary Paulsen133
2012The RiverGary Paulsen176
2011Flat BrokeGary Paulsen118
2011Woods RunnerGary Paulsen176
2011Liar, LiarGary Paulsen128
2010Masters of DisasterGary Paulsen102
2010Lawn Boy ReturnsGary Paulsen101
2009MudsharkGary Paulsen96
2009The Voyage of the FrogGary Paulsen160
2007In Praise of LabsGary Paulsen, Ted Kerasote, James Herriot, Gene Hill, Bill Tarrant159
2007Dancing CarlGary Paulsen112
2007TrackerGary Paulsen96
2007Lawn BoyGary Paulsen88
2007WoodsongGary Paulsen144
2007DogsongGary Paulsen192
2007The Amazing Life of BirdsGary Paulsen84
2006HatchetGary Paulsen186
2006The Legend of Bass ReevesGary Paulsen137
2006The IslandGary Paulsen208
2005The Time HackersGary Paulsen87
2004Molly McGinty Has a Really Good DayGary Paulsen105
2004The QuiltGary Paulsen83
2003How Angel Peterson Got His NameGary Paulsen111
2002Tucket's HomeGary Paulsen112
2001Caught by the SeaGary Paulsen103
2001Alida's SongGary Paulsen96
2001Tucket's GoldGary Paulsen112
2000Soldier's HeartGary Paulsen106
2000The White Fox ChroniclesGary Paulsen281
1999My Life in Dog YearsGary Paulsen137
1999Canoe DaysGary PaulsenRuth Wright Paulsen32
1998Thunder ValleyGary Paulsen96
1998Flight of the HawkGary Paulsen96
1998Tucket's RideGary Paulsen112
1998Curse of the RuinsGary Paulsen96
1997GrizzlyGary Paulsen80
1997A Christmas SonataGary Paulsen80
1997Time BendersGary Paulsen96
1997The Creature of Black Water LakeGary Paulsen80
1997The Schernoff DiscoveriesGary Paulsen112
1997Super AmosGary Paulsen80
1997WorksongGary PaulsenRuth Paulsen32
1997Dunc and Amos On Thin IceGary Paulsen80
1996Amos Binder, Secret AgentGary Paulsen80
1996Amos and the Chameleon CaperGary Paulsen80
1996Call Me Francis TucketGary Paulsen112
1996Amos and the VampireGary Paulsen60
1996The Seventh CrystalGary Paulsen71
1996Dunc and Amos Go to the DogsGary Paulsen74
1996Skydive!Gary Paulsen80
1996Amos Goes BananasGary Paulsen59
1996The Treasure of El PatronGary Paulsen70
1996Project: A Perfect WorldGary Paulsen96
1995Captive!Gary Paulsen80
1995The Gorgon SlayerGary Paulsen80
1995Danger on Midnight RiverGary Paulsen65
1995Hook 'Em, Snotty!Gary Paulsen70
1995The Tortilla FactoryGary Paulsen, Ruth Wright Paulsen32
1995Harris and MeGary Paulsen157
1995The Rock JockeysGary Paulsen55
1995Amos Gets MarriedGary Paulsen84
1995Escape from Fire MountainGary Paulsen67
1994Amos's Killer Concert CaperGary Paulsen80
1994Rodomonte's RevengeGary Paulsen112
1994Dunc and the Greased Sticks of DoomGary Paulsen76
1994The Legend of Red Horse CavernGary Paulsen55
1994Dunc and Amos Meet the SlasherGary Paulsen96
1994Father Water, Mother WoodsGary Paulsen159
1994Amos and the AlienGary Paulsen80
1994Coach AmosGary Paulsen63
1994The HaymeadowGary Paulsen208
1994Prince AmosGary Paulsen63
1994Mr. TucketGary Paulsen176
1993Cowpokes and DesperadoesGary Paulsen65
1993Dunc and the Haunted CastleGary Paulsen65
1993The Wild Culpepper CruiseGary Paulsen80
1993DogteamGary PaulsenRuth Wright Paulsen32
1993Dunc's Undercover ChristmasGary Paulsen78
1993Dunc and Amos and the Red TattoosGary Paulsen67
1993Dunc and the Scam ArtistsGary Paulsen67
1993Dunc's DumpGary Paulsen67
1993Dunc and Amos Hit the Big TopGary Paulsen84
1992Amos Gets FamousGary Paulsen69
1992Dunc and the Flaming GhostGary Paulsen80
1992Dunc Breaks the RecordGary Paulsen83
1992The CookcampGary Paulsen128
1992Dunc's HalloweenGary Paulsen84
1992Dunc Gets TweakedGary Paulsen89
1992Culpepper's CannonGary Paulsen90
1992The Case of the Dirty BirdGary Paulsen83
1991The Boy Who Owned the SchoolGary Paulsen96
1990The FoxmanGary Paulsen128
1987The CrossingGary Paulsen128


Jim Paulsen
Tim Jessell
Ruth Wright Paulsen
Ted Kerasote
James Herriot
Gene Hill
Bill Tarrant
Ruth Paulsen


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