Author & Illustrator

Maurice Sendak


Maurice Sendak was born June 10, 1928, in Brooklyn, NY. He received the 1964 Caldecott Medal for Where the Wild Things Are. In 1970 he received the international Hans Christian Andersen Medal for illustration, and he remains the only American ever awarded this honor. In 1983, Sendak received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award from the American Library Association, given in recognition of his entire body of work. He also received a 1996 National Medal of Arts in recognition of his contribution of arts in America. He illustrated over 80 books. He died May 8, 2012.

But the Giraffe and Brundibar
Presto & Zesto in Limboland
Chicken Soup with Rice
My Brother's Book
The Happy Rain
Swine Lake
What Can You Do with a Shoe?
Frank & Joey Eat Lunch

Most Popular Maurice Sendak Books

    picture • 48 Pages
    Where the Wild Things Are
    Maurice Sendak
    Select type • 64 Pages
    Little Bear's Friend
    Else Holmelund Minarik, Maurice Sendak
    picture • 288 Pages
    Maurice Sendak
    chapter • 64 Pages
    Little Bear's Visit
    #4 in Series
    Else Holmelund Minarik, Maurice Sendak
    board • 32 Pages
    Chicken Soup with Rice
    Maurice Sendak
    picture • 40 Pages
    In the Night Kitchen
    Maurice Sendak

Book Stats


All Maurice Sendak Books

2020But the Giraffe and BrundibarTony KushnerMaurice Sendak96
2018Presto & Zesto in LimbolandArthur Yorinks, Maurice SendakMaurice Sendak28
2017Chicken Soup with RiceMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak32
2013My Brother's BookMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak31
2011Bumble-ArdyMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak40
2006Mommy?Arthur YorinksMaurice SendakMatthew Reinhart12
2005BearsRuth KraussMaurice Sendak24
2004The Happy RainJack SendakMaurice Sendak48
2003BrundibarTony KushnerMaurice Sendak56
1999Swine LakeJames MarshallMaurice Sendak40
1997What Can You Do with a Shoe?Beatrice de RegniersMaurice Sendak32
1996Frank & Joey Eat LunchArthur YorinksMaurice SendakKy Chung
1996Frank & Joey Go to WorkArthur YorinksMaurice SendakKy Chung12
1995Maurice Sendak's Christmas MysteryMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak8
1995The Miami GiantArthur YorinksMaurice Sendak40
1995The Wonderful FarmMarcel AyméMaurice Sendak182
1993We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and GuyMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak56
1992I Saw EsauMaurice Sendak160
1991Sarah's RoomDoris OrgelMaurice Sendak46
1991Chicken Soup with RiceMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak32
1989A Hole Is to DigRuth KraussMaurice Sendak48
1988Dear MiliWilhelm GrimmMaurice Sendak40
1988Sing a Song of PopcornMaurice SendakRichard EgielskiArnold LobelMarcia BrownMargot ZemachLeo and Diane Dillon160
1985In Grandpa's HousePhilip SendakMaurice Sendak48
1984A Kiss for Little BearElse Holmelund MinarikMaurice Sendak32
1984Little Bear's FriendElse Holmelund MinarikMaurice Sendak64
1981Ten Little RabbitsMaurice Sendak0
1981Outside Over ThereMaurice Sendak40
1980Jean Ritchie's Singing Family of the CumberlandsJean RitchieMaurice Sendak258
1978No Fighting, No Biting!Else Holmelund MinarikMaurice Sendak64
1978Father Bear Comes HomeElse Holmelund MinarikMaurice Sendak64
1977Seven Little MonstersMaurice Sendak8
1976Fly by NightRandall JarrellMaurice Sendak30
1976Some Swell PupMaurice Sendak, Matthew MargolisMaurice Sendak32
1975Pleasant FieldmouseJan WahlMaurice Sendak72
1973King Grisly-beardMaurice Sendak24
1970Fantasy SketchesMaurice Sendak0
1970In the Night KitchenMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak40
1969The Light PrincessGeorge MacDonaldMaurice Sendak110
1967The Golden KeyGeorge MacDonaldMaurice Sendak96
1967Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must Be More to LifeMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak69
1967The Bat-PoetRandall JarrellMaurice Sendak43
1966Zlateh the GoatIsaac Bashevis SingerMaurice Sendak90
1965Hector Protector and As I Went Over the WaterMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak64
1965Let's Be EnemiesJanice May UdryMaurice Sendak32
1965Lullabies and Night SongsMaurice Sendak0
1964The Bee-Man of OrnFrank Richard StocktonMaurice Sendak47
1963Where the Wild Things AreMaurice Sendak48
1963The Griffin and the Minor CanonFrank R. StocktonMaurice Sendak56
1963How Little Lori Visited Times SquareAmos VogelMaurice Sendak64
1963She Loves Me... She Loves Me Not...Robert KeeshanMaurice Sendak32
1962Alligators All AroundMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak32
1962The Big Green BookRobert GravesMaurice Sendak64
1962Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely PresentCharlotte ZolotowMaurice Sendak40
1962Nutshell LibraryMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak288
1962One Was JohnnyMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak46
1962PierreMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak38
1962The Singing HillMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak180
1961Little Bear's VisitElse Holmelund MinarikMaurice Sendak64
1961What Do You Do, Dear?Sesyle JoslinMaurice Sendak46
1960Open House for ButterfliesRuth KraussMaurice Sendak48
1960The Sign on Rosie's DoorMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak48
1959The Moon JumpersJanice May UdryMaurice Sendak32
1958What Do You Say, Dear?Sesyle JoslinMaurice Sendak48
1958Along Came a DogMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak192
1957Circus GirlJack SendakMaurice Sendak32
1957Very Far AwayMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak56
1956I Want to Paint My Bathroom BlueRuth KraussMaurice Sendak24
1956Kenny's WindowMaurice SendakMaurice Sendak64
1956The House of Sixty FathersMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak189
1955Charlotte and The White HorseRuth KraussMaurice Sendak32
1954The Wheel on the SchoolMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak298
1954I'll Be You and You Be MeRuth KraussMaurice Sendak40
1953ShadrachMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak182
1953Hurry Home, CandyMeindert DeJongMaurice Sendak244


Else Holmelund Minarik
Sesyle Joslin
George MacDonald
Arthur Yorinks
Matthew Reinhart
Meindert DeJong
Ruth Krauss
Charlotte Zolotow
Janice May Udry
Tony Kushner
Wilhelm Grimm
Ralph Manheim
Richard Egielski
Arnold Lobel
Marcia Brown
Margot Zemach
Leo and Diane Dillon
James Marshall
Amos Vogel
Marcel Aymé
Jean Ritchie
Robert Graves
Beatrice de Regniers
Matthew Margolis
Randall Jarrell
Frank R. Stockton
Jack Sendak
Philip Sendak
Doris Orgel
Frank Richard Stockton
Jan Wahl
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Ky Chung
Robert Keeshan


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