Author & Illustrator

Sandra Boynton


Sandra Boynton is a beloved American cartoonist, children’s author, songwriter, and highly sporadic short film director. Boynton has written and illustrated sixty children’s books and seven general audience books, including five New York Times bestsellers. More than 70 million of her books have been sold—“mostly to friends and family,” she says. Boynton has also written and produced six albums of unconventional children’s music; three of her albums have been certified Gold (over 500,000 copies sold), and Philadelphia Chickens, nominated for a Grammy, has gone Platinum (over one million copies sold). Boynton has also written and directed eleven short musical films and two animated shorts, including “Tyrannosaurus Funk,” sung by Samuel L. Jackson, which won the 2018 Grand Prize for Best Children’s Animation Short from the Rhode Island International Film Festival. In 2008, Boynton received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cartoonists Society. Boynton has four perfect children and an equally perfect granddaughter. Her Connecticut studio is in a converted barn that has perhaps the only hippopotamus weathervane in America.

Banana Bop!
Little Love Songs
Little Night Songs
Hey! Look at You!
Dinosaurs in Trucks Because Hey, Why Not?
Hey! What's That?
Hippos Remain Calm
Ooo, Baby Baby!
Snow, Snow, Snow!
Perfect Piggies!
Tickle Time!
Your Personal Penguin

Most Popular Sandra Boynton Books

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    The Going To Bed Book
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    Sandra Boynton
    board • 18 Pages
    Happy Easter, Little Pookie
    Sandra Boynton
    board • 24 Pages
    Barnyard Dance!
    Sandra Boynton
    board • 24 Pages
    Snuggle Puppy!
    Sandra Boynton
    board • 16 Pages
    Dinosaur Dance!
    Sandra Boynton

Book Stats


All Sandra Boynton Books

2025Banana Bop!Sandra Boynton16
2024Little Love SongsSandra Boynton12
2024Little Night SongsSandra Boynton12
2024Hey! Look at You!Sandra Boynton14
2024Dinosaurs in Trucks Because Hey, Why Not?16
2024Hey! What's That?Sandra Boynton14
2023Hippos Remain CalmSandra Boynton40
2023Ooo, Baby Baby!16
2023Snow, Snow, Snow!Sandra Boynton24
2023Perfect Piggies!Sandra Boynton24
2023Tickle Time!Sandra Boynton24
2023Your Personal PenguinSandra Boynton24
2023Big Box of Little Pookie Holidays (Boxed Set): I Love You, Little Pookie; Happy Easter, Little Pookie; Spooky Pookie; Pookie's Thanksgiving; Merry Christmas, Little Pookie90
2023Eek! Halloween!Sandra Boynton24
2023Jungle NightSandra Boynton18
2023One, Two, Three!Sandra Boynton24
2023Fifteen Animals!Sandra Boynton24
2023Birthday Monsters!Sandra Boynton24
2023Woo Hoo! You're Doing Great!40
2023The Bunny Rabbit Show!Sandra Boynton24
2023Happy Easter, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2023Peekaboo Rex!Sandra Boynton24
2023Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!Sandra Boynton24
2022Your Nose!Sandra Boynton24
2022Pajama Time!Sandra Boynton24
2022Snuggle Puppy!Sandra Boynton24
2022Barnyard Dance!Sandra Boynton24
2022Moo, Baa, Fa La La La La!Sandra Boynton16
2022Pookie's ThanksgivingSandra Boynton18
2021Woodland Dance!24
2021Boo! Baa, La La La!Sandra Boynton16
2020Christmas ParadeSandra Boynton32
2020How Big Is Zagnodd?Sandra Boynton16
2019Cachorro Cariñoso24
2019Silly LullabySandra Boynton16
2018I Love You, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2018Merry Christmas, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2018But Not the ArmadilloSandra Boynton16
2018Here, George!George Booth32
2017Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2017What's Wrong, Little Pookie?Sandra Boynton18
2017Let's Dance, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2017Night-Night, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2017Happy Birthday, Little PookieSandra Boynton18
2017Spooky PookieSandra Boynton18
2016A Is for Angry48
2016Dinosaur Dance!Sandra Boynton16
2013Consider LoveSandra Boynton32
2012Are You a Cow?Sandra Boynton16
2011Happy Hippo, Angry DuckSandra Boynton16
2005Belly Button Book!24
2003Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy!Sandra Boynton14
2001Yay, You!Sandra Boynton32
2000Dinos To GoSandra Boynton18
2000Hippos Go Berserk!Sandra Boynton32
2000Hey! Wake Up!24
1999BobSandra Boynton18
1998Dinosaur's BinkitSandra Boynton14
1997SnoozersSandra Boynton18
1995OppositesSandra Boynton16
1984A to ZSandra Boynton14
1984Horns to Toes and in BetweenSandra Boynton16
1984Blue Hat, Green HatSandra Boynton16
1984DoggiesSandra Boynton16
1982But Not the HippopotamusSandra Boynton16
1982Moo, Baa, La La La!Sandra Boynton16
1982The Going To Bed BookSandra Boynton16


George Booth


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