
alienation Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about alienation
“To alienate human beings from their own decision-making is to change them into objects.”
“The more alienated people are, the easier it is to divide them and keep them divided… These focalized forms of action, by intensifying the focalized way of life of the oppressed (especially in rural areas), hamper the oppressed from perceiving reality and keep them isolated from the problems of oppressed men and women in rural areas.”
“I can’t accept overnight what I’ve always denied. The truth is, you’ve done more for me than anyway what you call God ever has. Or ever will. By writing to me, by signing yourself ‘friend’. ”
“He saw clearly too his own futile isolation. He had not gone one step nearer the lives he had sought to approach nor bridged the restless shame and rancour that had divided him from mother and brother and sister. He felt that he was hardly of the one blood with them but stood to them rather in the mystical kinship of fosterage, fosterchild and fosterbrother.”
“– Ah, it’s a scandalous shame for you, Stephen, said his mother, and you’ll live to rue the day you set your foot in that place. I know how it has changed you.”
“Then I was sitting up; and I was sad because my mother and my father didn’t seem to know I had been so far away.”
“You may grow frustrated and depressed, never realizing that the source of it is your alienation from your own creative potential.”
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