
Ann Putnam Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes from Ann Putnam
“And I knew in my bones, in that moment, that what went on in these study walls would soon disrupt our whole way of life in Salem. And I was powerless to do anything about it. I felt myself go limp with fear. “I must go now,” I said to Ann Putnam. “Do go. And remember what I said this day. And thank you for the apple tarts.” Her evil laughter followed me out of the room.
“Beg forgiveness, indeed! After fourteen years! I see no purpose to it. The dead are dead; those who remain behind cannot forget. But then, just as I am about to close my heart against Ann, I recollect my part in the madness that came to our village in 1692. And I know I am as guilty as Ann or any of the girls in that circle of accusers.”
“All those who were most wronged will forgive her and welcome her back into the congregation. But who will forgive me?”
“I will go, but I will not forgive Ann Putnam. You cannot ask me to do that, husband,” I told him. And I wonder, now that I am here, how I can look on her face again without seeing the faces of all whom she destroyed.”
“Mulling over the whole matter as I sit in church waiting for Ann Putnam to appear, I mind how painful it is to recollect the events of those days. But once we allow memory to open its floodgates, we are hard put to stop its flow.”
“But there was some undercurrent of understanding between this mother and daughter that had more to do with evil than with love. I was sensible of that immediately. It was as if these two moved together through dark and swirling waters toward some whirlpool they could not avoid. And would not think of avoiding.”
“So I said, ‘Yes, I will go,’ though in my heart I will never understand why we women are always assigned the task of peacemaking. ‘I will go, but I will not forgive Ann Putnam. You cannot ask me to do that, husband’ I told him. And I wonder, now that I am here, how I can look on her face again without seeing the faces of all whom she destroyed. ”
“The elders are looking for someone to blame. We will give them many someones.” “You will give forth the names of people as witches? When you know you girls are not really afflicted?” “We will, and the elders will be glad to know that the cause of the bickering and trouble in this place lies not at their own feet but is the fault of witches living amongst us.”
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