
Avery Grambs Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes from Avery Grambs
“She was an apology cupcake baker. A guilty cupcake baker. A please-don’t-be-mad-at-me cupcake baker.”
“It’s good to be queen.”
“Knowing that Mr. Yates was infamous for giving impossible tests had made me want to redefine possible.”
“It wasn’t my best look, but I’d gone to school with the same kids my whole life. I was wallpaper. No one was looking.”
″‘Any plans I might have?’ I repeated. If I’d had a different last name, if I’d had a dad who was a dentist and a mom who stayed home, he wouldn’t have acted like the future was something I might have thought about.”
“You know me, Maxine. I always land on my feet.”
″‘A guy who thinks he knows everything,’ I muttered. ‘That’s new.‘”
“Power was as much a fact of life for this guy as gravity. The world bent to the will of Grayson Hawthorne. What money couldn’t buy him, those eyes probably did.”
″‘Ever had your life ruined by someone with the last name Hawthorne?’ Alisa continued. I stared at her, then managed to answer more confidently this time. ‘No.’ Alisa smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. ‘Lucky you.‘”
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