
beaches Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about beaches
“The house was left; the house was deserted. It was left like a shell on a sandhill to fill with dry salt grains now that life had left it.”
“Sometimes Olivia likes to bask in the sun.”
“And Duffy Driver drove the little red train into the station at Sandy-on-Sea and spent a lovely lazy afternoon on the beach before he had to drive back home again.”
“Out of this infinite vision an infinity of details could be drawn, but Sorry had settled on one, and from the endless series a particular beach was chosen and began to form around Laura - a beach of iron-dark sand and shells like frail stars, and a wonderful wide sea that stretched, neither green nor blue, but inked by the approach of night into violet and black, wrinkling with its own salty puzzles, right out to a distant, pure horizon.”
‘Instead, she stared at the blueness of the sea and the greenness of the tumbling nearby cliffs and wondered why beautiful. places like this could make you feel sad. At this moment she wished she could cancel out the whole beach with its tumbling vigorous surf and all the surrounding panorama that seemed to fill her longing.”
“But somehow, when she woke up in the morning, she felt she had to flee to the beach...”
“One day an albatross landed on the beach, pulled a little stubby black pipe out of his pocket, and sat down to have a smoke. The fiddler crab hid among the rocks, but the sea-thing child came over to talk to the albatross.”
“When we got home, we had sand in the hair, In the eyes and the ears and everywhere; Whenever a good nor’ wester blows, Christopher is found with Sand-between-the-toes.”
″‘Ever since I was little,’ Mullet Fingers said, ‘I’ve been watchin’ this place disappear - the piney woods, the scrub, the creeks, the glades. Even the beaches, man - they put up all these giant hotels and only goober tourists are allowed. It really sucks.‘”
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