
Lara Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Lara
“Tears were not possible for the sorrow for it all had frozen her. Lara stood motionless for some time as the sun slid out of sight behind the trees. The dog stood beside her, silent and still too. The Thunderwith stirred and licked her hand. All at once, Lara’s eyes were drawn from the bleak evening sky to the dog waiting so patiently beside her. She patted its head, grateful for its silent companionship. Then she knelt and hugged it to her fiercely. Oh, Tunderwith!.”
“Lara feels completely alone after the death of her mother. She is an intruder in her father’s new family, living far away from all that has been familiar.”
“Lara found it difficult to know just what to say. Here they were in the hot sun on the verandah of the school principal’s house - her long-lost father, this tall angular man with his piercing blue eyes, and her beloved teacher. Both of them standing and looking at her and expecting a reply of some kind. But she could only stare dumbly at this total stranger, who was nevertheless her only family now. Her father.”
“How can she find acceptance and love in this harsh place? Will the hostile Gladwyn and her kids ever really allow Lara to be part of the family she so longs for?”
‘Instead, she stared at the blueness of the sea and the greenness of the tumbling nearby cliffs and wondered why beautiful. places like this could make you feel sad. At this moment she wished she could cancel out the whole beach with its tumbling vigorous surf and all the surrounding panorama that seemed to fill her longing.”
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