
being treated poorly Quotes

10 of the best book quotes about being treated poorly
“I know you have treated me infernally—infernally! Do you hear? And if you flatter yourself that I don’t perceive it, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot: and if you fancy I’ll suffer unrevenged, I’ll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while!”
Source: Chapter 11, Paragraph 36
He was as quick and as intelligent a child as ever you were; and I’m hurt that he should be despised now, because that base Heathcliff has treated him so unjustly.”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 28
“Many young animals are frightened and spoiled by wrong treatment, which need not be if the right man took them in hand.”
Source: Chapter 21, Paragraph 9
“I have heard men say that seeing is believing; but I should say that feeling is believing; for much as I had seen before, I never knew till now the utter misery of a cab-horse’s life.”
Source: Chapter 47, Paragraph 4
“Any man that owns a boy like that, and can’t find any better way o’ treating on him, deserves to lose him.”
Source: Chapter 11, Paragraph 23
“Treat ‘em like dogs, and you’ll have dogs’ works and dogs’ actions. Treat ‘em like men, and you’ll have men’s works.”
Source: Chapter 11, Paragraph 25
“Any man who thinks that human beings can, as a general thing, be made about as comfortable that way as any other, I wish he might try it. I’d buy the dog, and work him, with a clear conscience!”
Source: Chapter 19, Paragraph 80
“The slave-owner can whip his refractory slave to death,—the capitalist can starve him to death.”
Source: Chapter 19, Paragraph 84
“Dear Cousin, you don’t know Dodo; it’s the only way to manage him, he’s so full of lies and excuses. The only way is to put him down at once,—not let him open his mouth; that’s the way papa manages.”
Source: Chapter 23, Paragraph 20
“You frighten him into deceiving, if you treat him so.”
Source: Chapter 23, Paragraph 23
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