
Betty Calladine Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Betty Calladine
Betty was the eighteen-year-old daughter of Mrs. John Calladine, widow of the painter, who was acting hostess on this occasion for Mark.
Source: Chapter 2, Line 20
“Good God!” said Mark suddenly. There was an instinctive turning of heads towards him. “I beg your pardon, Miss Norris. Sorry, Betty.” Miss Norris smiled her forgiveness. She often wanted to say it herself, particularly at rehearsals.
Source: Chapter 2, Line 25-27
“Oh, I beg your pardon. But anyhow, Bill, I want you more than she does just now. So try and put up with me.” “I say, do you really?” said Bill, rather flattered. He had a great admiration for Antony, and was very proud to be liked by him.
Source: Chapter 6, Lines 19-20
The guests had said good-bye to Cayley, according to their different manner. The Major, gruff and simple: “If you want me, command me. Anything I can do—Good-bye”; Betty, silently sympathetic, with everything in her large eyes which she was too much overawed to tell; Mrs. Calladine, protesting that she did not know what to say, but apparently finding plenty; and Miss Norris, crowding so much into one despairing gesture that Cayley’s unvarying “Thank you very much” might have been taken this time as gratitude for an artistic entertainment.
Source: Chapter 6, Line 1
The girl who stood by the little white gate of Jallands was something more than “not bad-looking,” but in this matter Bill was keeping his superlatives for another. In Bill’s eyes she must be judged, and condemned, by all that distinguished her from Betty Calladine. To Antony, unhampered by these standards of comparison, she seemed, quite simply, beautiful.
Source: Chapter 15, Line 26
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